Vote for a QB

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by JCBRAVE, Apr 6, 2015.


Best QB for the Titans this fall?

Poll closed Apr 30, 2015.
  1. Mettenberger

  2. Winston

  3. Mariota

  4. Rivers

  5. Cutler

  6. Other

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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    were you a fan of Matt Sewell?
  2. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    no I didn't know of him...I don't watch CFL to be honest
  3. 615nick

    615nick Starter

    Winston without a doubt. Rivers is old and never won anything on very good teams. Cutler sucks. Mett, jury is out still but idt he'll ever be anything but a solid backup. Mariota, I would be ok with but I think he's going to need a lot of coaching before he does well in this league.
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    LANGSTER Pro Bowler

    I wish the choice was anyone other than clipboard jesus on our roster. I am still worried he is the backup and on this roster. He would be out of the league if not for Whiz. He is kind off like donnie nickey was to jeff fisher, a pet.
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  5. J Falk

    J Falk Starter

    I'm surprised so many people have jumped on the rivers bandwagon. apparently people are developing brains on this forum.

    if we trade for jay cutler I will wish for Websters death
  6. avvie

    avvie It's another cold day in Hell Tip Jar Donor

    I'm still a Mett sheep because build o line and D first and because in spite of statueing he can put a ball in the numbers, which hasn't happened since Mc9.

    Some local news from Hawaii for you: local tv station is having a contest offering a free trip to the first round of the draft to see Mariota get picked. Mariota won't be there because he's staying with family to watch the draft on tv. LOLOLOLOL...
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • LOL LOL x 1
  7. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    If they came at the same cost? Winston and its not even close.

    Mett is a wildcard, same as Winston just Winston has more upside.

    Mariota is a 4 year project player, after VY playing us for 5 seasons and Locker another 4 I don't want anymore "well lets give him another season" kind of guys.

    Rivers is old, guy fell apart last year at the end. Entire offense became dink and dunks after week 6. Has 1 year left on his contract, is going to want to get paid. No thx.

    Cutler is just cutler. I wouldn't be opposed to a trade with the Bears and him getting thrown in but I wouldn't value him as a first rounder, more of a throw in kicker like around a third pick value.

    ignoring the "other" option cause lolRodgers.
  8. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    The poll said if the costs were even, so I went Rivers.

    Waking up, I'm going Mariota. I would still like Rivers but I don't like giving up potential future picks for an older QB that may or may not take us to the playoffs. Depends if the Titans can build around Rivers, something I have a lot of doubts about.

    Mettenberger would be my 3rd choice only because I really like the idea of trading down and realistically Mettenberger would be the QB. I wish the Jets would offer so we could go the Amari Cooper route and at least give Mett a fighting chance on offense. The Browns picks will be something rumored until draft day, or beyond.
  9. CalgaryTitansFan

    CalgaryTitansFan Pro Bowler

    It's been a long time since the Titans had an accurate QB. Mett is an accurate with an arm. He was also a rookie getting hit after less than 2.5s. He already is a statue, if you let him get hit that quick no wonder he didn't win a game. Build an OL to protect him and open things up for Sankey, and build a D that doesn't get lit up or the ball ran down their throats. All of a sudden the WR's can get a bit of separation and Mett can get them the ball.

    And LOL at Cutler with 1 vote, lmao.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    This isn't going to be a simple fix guys. Getting a guy like Rivers would probably give us anywhere from 7-10 wins but I don't think it gets us to winning a superbowl-- which is where we should be aiming.
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