Video: CJ vs. Falcons

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Nov 21, 2011.

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  1. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    True That is a mental issue on CJ's part. It's not exactly hard to understand why he's having those issues though. Still, CJ is the only guy who can fix that. It would be a lot easier for him to fix with some decent blocking in front of him imo.
  2. Deuce Wayne


    Even when the blocking is there, CJ isn't.
  3. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    This is true sometimes. What I'm saying is that the main reason for this is that the blocking is not there the other 95% of the time. We need a good power back. Like that Blount guy in Tampa. Fisher is still screwing us.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    Everyone wants to make this one player's fault but it's not that simple. Yes, CJ is running like he's about to get hit before he hits the LOS because, too often, he is. He's tentative, lacks explosion and is missing opportunities to cut back. But the OL was horrible run blocking on Sunday and slipped versus the pass as well. Hasselbeck got hurt during a rush and a number of passes were batted down.

    If they don't get it fixed this Sunday against a horrible run defense, then Munch has to look to give Ringer more opportunities or bring in Harper to see what he can do and make adjustments on the OL. Scott is gone next year so let's see what Velasco can do. How about trying to move Harris to C and Amano back to G? How about giving Little Matthews some opportunities?

    If they can't get the run game going Sunday, it's time to blow it up. I'm not a big change for change's sake kind of guy but 13 yards and 12 carries is embarrassing to me and everyone associated with the run game over at BSP should be put on notice it will not be tolerated.

    When Munch came in, he was all about everyone doing their job and being held accountable. But we're seeing more stupid penalties, missed assignments and lackluster play so it's time to see if Munch is more than words if they don't get it turned around this Sunday.
    • High Five High Five x 4
  5. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    I agree with pretty much everything you said, but FFS how many chances do they get? I'm sick of "Maybe this will be the week".... "They just need more time", etc. It's week 12. Of a 17 week season! Missed training camp or not, these guys (and I mean all of 'em... CJ, the line, coaches) have had PLENTY of time to get it going. And all they have to show for it is a 130 yd/1 TD rushing game against a team that is ranked 30th in rushing YPG and dead last in TDs allowed.

    Kevin Smith, who was sitting on his couch a few weeks ago, just ripped them for 201 total yards and 3 TDs. I think Kevin Smith the director of Clerks could probably go for 40-50 yards and a score on them.

    It's just not going to happen this year guys. The sooner we blow it up the better.
  6. cld12pk2go

    cld12pk2go Starter

    God that was brutal.

    Scott and Amano were especially so,but even Roos o'lay blocked once resulting in a tackle for loss.
  7. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Bring in Velasco. Give Ringer/Harper more carries. See what happens. Seems like a pretty simple, low risk/potentially high reward scenario. And then if it doesn't work out you **GASP** GO BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS BEFORE!!!

    I really don't get Munchak. Although I guess I should since he learned the ropes from the king of stubbornness. But why not try out different players you ALREADY have on the roster. It's madness to keep sticking with the 'same old' when you are having league-worst results week in and week out.
  8. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    The same thing is probably happening in practice to Harper and Ringer and thats why they haven't seen carries.
  9. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Who cares about practice? Lots of players perform differently in real game situations as opposed to practice. I'm just saying it couldn't hurt. We are the worst rushing attack in the entire league. 32 out of 32. Dead last.

    All I'm saying is it's worth a shot. If those guys get in there and the run game doesn't improve or gets worse then by all means go back to the old line configuration and give CJ all the carries.

    When you're that comically bad at something then for god's sake try something different. Don't just sit there and pray for a miracle turnaround. At least make it look like you are ATTEMPTING to get this thing figured out.

    10 games in with god awful results this much is clear, either:
    A) Coaching is unbelievably inept
    B) It's the personnel, dummy!

    Maybe it's both. But we're way past the point where "we just need more time to get in sync" is a valid excuse.
  10. memphis_raven

    memphis_raven Starter

    Not sure if many backs would've done well on those plays; the blocking just didn't hold up. Credit the defense
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