Trade the 8th pick?

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by gran54, Apr 7, 2011.

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  1. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    I seriously doubt Peterson or Miller are there but the one guy teams may really want who probably will be there is Amukamara. I'm guessing Dallas really wants him and probably expect to get him at #9. So we could take him and then see what teams would be willing to give us for him. At worst we might get a free 4th rounder from Dallas and still be able to draft the guy we want at #9.

    I'd probably consider a trade with NE if they offered their 17th and 33rd pick. Not sure if we could find a willing trade partner but the 33rd and 39th pick together actually have the same value as the 15th or 16th pick in the draft (~1000 points). Point being we could still consider moving back into the first using one or both of those picks. For example if we made that trade and then could trade our 3rd rounder and 39th pick we have enough value to get back into the 25-26th slot. We can get a little higher if we trade our 33rd and our 3rd rounder (21-22). So assuming we have trading partners we could end up with 2 first round picks and an early 2nd rounder.

    I guess if you really want to wheel and deal and everything worked out we draft Amukamara and trade him to Dallas for their 4th rounder. Then trade the #9 pick to NE for the #17 and #33 picks. Then package one of the 2nd round picks with our 3rd and get back into the 1st round (Maybe just ahead of Seattle at 25). In that scenario I'd draft the following (note Houston is another potential trading partner for Amakumera, they pick #11):

    17. (BPA at DL probably best value is DE (Kerrigan, Jordan, Clayborn..), this pick is still high enough to get a stud DL guy)
    24? If we go DE with the 17th we can still get one of the top DTs at 24 or a QB.
    33. If available I'd take Kapearnick or Mallett is we haven't already taken a QB. If we already have a QB take the BPA on defense (Ayers, Moore).

    Wishful thinking I know but if we coud come out of the draft with a solid DE and DT along with a good QB I'd be excited. The main probelm the way this draft is set up is the DL strength is very top heavy in the first round. It is possible one of the better DTs or DEs could slip into the 2nd round but not likely. So manipulating a way to get two 1st round picks where we are still in range of the better DL guys would be great and we still have a 2nd rounder to grab a QB.
  2. Thefreak

    Thefreak Shut Down Corner

    I'm all for trading down if it picks us up a first rounder next year. If a team were willing to trade us their 2012 first round pick then I'd be all for trading down.

    Here is an example that may or may not be realistic, I'd trade our first (#8) and our 3rd round pick (#77) to the Giants for their first (#19) this year a first next year and Sage Rosenfels.

    At #19 we could pick up one of the D-linemen that drop, Mike Pouncey, or Akeem Ayers.

    Sage Rosenfels would solve our quarterback problem for the short term and in 2012 we turn the two 1st round picks into Andrew Luck or Matt Barkley. Rosenfels should be able to start for the next 2-3 years so that would give Luck/Barkley a year or two to watch the game and mature.

    This is obviously an example and maybe a best case scenario. It might very well take trading out of the first round completely in order to acquire that 2012 first rounder and as long as its a high second rounder I probably would still do it.

    The only way we become a powerhouse is if we get us a franchise quarterback and they are only found in the draft (the exception being Drew Brees).
    • High Five High Five x 2
  3. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    Can't trade players. Only draft picks.
  4. 2ToneBlueBlood

    2ToneBlueBlood Pro Bowler

    I think theFreak is on the right track. I posted in another QB thread about how much better next years crop of QBs are than this years. You could even throw Landry Jones into the mix as well. I actually like him better than Barkley. But any of those 3 guys would work.

    Those of us who want to wait until next year to get the franchise guy have been accused of wanting to tank this season, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you have a defensive heavy draft this year and either go with TheFreak's scenario of picking up a #1 next year or just trading whatever it takes to move up and get one of these guys, we could be contenders for years to come. A true, franchise QB gives you that kind of stability and we're not going to find him this year, because he's not out there.
  5. XO

    XO Nevada Native


    You know this how?
  6. TitansBlue

    TitansBlue Camp Fodder

    NE is unlikely to trade up, looking from history and tendencies
  7. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Don't the Patriots normally trade back or for future picks, not up?
  8. onetontitan

    onetontitan Marioto

    They have 2 picks in the first and in the second, this year might be an exception. Then again, that may be even more of a reason to trade down...I hate the Patriots so much.
  9. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    The Patriots almost always trade back. If you're expecting them to want to trade up to #8, you are going to be disappointed.
  10. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    The Freak makes sense except you can't trade players and no way do I see the Giants trading their first next year to move up a a few spots in the draft. On top of that you trade for picks next year at a risk considering there is a chance there won't be a draft.

    In reality the best thing to do might be to just trade back for extra picks and then draft the best players available. If one ends up being a QB in the 2nd round or something so be it. IMO either extreme isn't smart and forcing yourself to take a QB isn't any worse than going out of your way not to take one if a guy you like is available. Also, if we could trade players I'd try and trade down and then offer a later 1st for Kolb or Orton.
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