Preseason Week 2: Titans vs Panthers

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by VondyP, Aug 20, 2016.

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  1. meekmode

    meekmode Starter

    a bit wobly for my taste.
  2. Zappa71

    Zappa71 MYAAAH!

    We had two very good drives against their ones. Unfortunately one drive ended in an INT...which some fans threw a fit mover. Remember Brady and manning never throw INTs!!!
    • High Five High Five x 2
  3. Afc46

    Afc46 Oilers/Titans HoFer

    No no no NO !!!!!
    According to everyone bitching , our 1's only made "plays" because it was against their 2's.

    So the "fact" that Grant made a stop on C.Newton , is nothing more then an illusion. Clearly if and I mean IF C.Newton was supposedly stop on that play , it had to have been one of our starting LB's .
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. meekmode

    meekmode Starter

    yeah cause our fans are special sometimes, never knew kuechly was 2. i guess you learn something new every day!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. JRayStay

    JRayStay Starter

    That's my whole point. Grant has been with 3 teams over the course of his one year career, and he's in there playing with the ones against the NFC Champs, and the NFL's MVP QB.

    What kind of mad scientist experiment was DLB cooking up yesterday?
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. VondyP

    VondyP Undisputed 2QBeaver Champion

    SUPERBOWL :trophy::trophy::trophy::trophy::trophy:
  7. kenny

    kenny Starter

    It's the time of year that the OC & DC try different players & schemes to see if they are viable in real games. We gave up some big plays. I expect that in the regular season as well. Our DBs were bad last year & we did not bring in top level talent to replace anyone in the secondary IMO. We have some guys competing in the secondary who may make a difference down the road. As for this season; you cannot address everything in one off season. I hate to see those long scores as much as anyone. The defense has a lot to clean up. However, this was the 1st real test they have seen this year.

    I will be really interested to see how they respond against Oakland. They have a talented QB who throws a great deep pass to a WR that runs great routes. The defense needs to show some improvement next week.

    I would really like to see our Pass Rushers getting home more when it counts. We really need to put more pressure on the QB with the ball in his hands. Our secondary is going to be a weak spot (Again) this year. Our Pass Rush needs to help them out. Hopefully Dodd can add a little bit to the Pass Rush. I think of the things we need to see improve right now; Pass Rush is right up there at the top.

    It's still PS. I want to see better from the secondary & the pass rush. The RBs, QBs, WRs, and OL have seemed to show improvement. No one has been perfect; but then again that is why we play PS games.

    Marcus & Sharpe have looked like a very good team tho. It is really nice to see a guy take advantage when he is targeted.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. GrayGhost1951

    GrayGhost1951 Starter

    Since it is preseason, I suppose it's OK to post about some backups. Kelly looked pretty good, but not playing against a 1, so hard to really judge. Tavai made some nice quiet plays, he is getting noticed.

    Now, for Tanney. This guy is something else. I truly believe he should be our #2. He made a play in the 4 quarter that was amazing. The pocket collapsed, he spun out the back, rolled to his right and made a downfield throw to Hunter of about 25 yards, both of them on the run. If he had been wearing #8 you wouldn't have known the difference. It was damn near identical to the TD pass to Douglas. He only missed a few completions - a 5 yarder to Sankey (that he dropped because he looked ahead too soon) and a quick out the CB jumped and deflected. This guy hit everyone on the numbers, and even hit Ellis twice, one for a TD. Usually the backups cringe when a 3rd string QB comes in, but I think they love this guy. He gets them the ball. When you consider he's not even working with our #1's it's even more impressive.
  9. Dee

    Dee Pro Bowler

  10. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    the dancing santa guy is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and it looks like he lost some weight.

    he used to come to the upperdeck back in the day. Dressed just like that no matter the weather.

    Good to see he aint dead
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