Michael Turner in town

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by ONUV, Apr 2, 2007.

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  1. oochymp

    oochymp Camp Fodder

    yeah, he just levelled Tillman, and he's not a bad player, usually has around 80-90 tackles a season
  2. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler

    what I'm referring to is a 50+ yard romp through a Chicago Bear defense early in the 1st QTR, where he was touched by nearly half the defense
  3. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    What is not on the video..

    19 yard run against baltimore

    23 yard run against the steelers

    21 yard run against cleveland

    25 and 30 yard runs against KC

    83 yard run against indy(won the game, ended the unbeaten streak)

    In all turner has had 10 runs of 20 yards or more and only one of those is on the video. The run against chicago must have been in preseason.

    Arrow is right all the runs against buffalo were from the same game. However turner made probably a dozen exceptional runs that didn't make the video as i showed..
  4. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    It was the same game.
  5. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Here it is..


    On the right side of the page it has some links. Click on monday night week 15. An interview with highlights of that run. Mike doss had an angle and he smoked him. Turner also had a 17 yard run in that game.

    83 yard run with nothing but speed!
  6. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    I am happy that you have a new obsession that isn't me.
  7. Deuce Wayne


    After seeing that video - I'd be happy giving away a 1st and 3rd for the guy. I mean, his stats looked good, but wow. Eddie George would envy this guy's power. Unreal.
  8. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    Right now, we don't know how good White can be. If the Titans trade for Turner, they are not giving White the opportunity to be worth a second-round pick, IMO.

    I don't know if he is yet. But if the coaches think he can be special, I don't see why you trade away an early draft pick with so many glaring needs on defense without giving him a chance.

    Not the same difference. Both have had many opportunities to prove their worth and haven't performed. White hasn't had that opportunity.

    Maybe. But the jury is still out on him, wouldn't you say? Turner gained only 104 yards his rookie season.

    I like Turner. I love the idea of him and White on the team. I think a great run offense is the best defense. But I also know that the Titans running game becomes a non-factor too often when the defense can't stop anyone.

    I can live with the decision if the Titans don't have to give up the first-rounder. Otherwise, I don't do it.
  9. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I heard on Sirius 2 minute drill that Buffalo is the team that has a contract on the table right now.
  10. DCtitan49

    DCtitan49 Guest

    i do agree with you on 1 part, everyone looks good in a highlight real, but its Runningbacks that turn nothing into something that become great, if it llooks like its going to be a 5 yard loss and your back gets you to the line, thats pretty impressive, Theyre are certain things you have to look for in a new Running back with limited carries, thats one of them.
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