Let's Get Real With Ourselves

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by oilerstruck, Dec 19, 2011.

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  1. oilerstruck

    oilerstruck Hall of Fame

    I know everyone is disgusted with yesterday but take a look at reality. We were never supposed to be in the playoff hunt this year. We are rebuilding. We were expected to be basement dwellers, crunching out only 5-6 wins this year. How many rookies do we have starting on defense? We all agree they are showing tremendous promise but they are rookies. We have a new coaching staff that needs to grow along with their talent group. We have a good QB of the future that has had the chance to serve behind a great veteran mentor. We drafted a power back last year to take the pressure off CJ. I am not sure why Ringer kept him off the field this year as he looked promising in preseason.

    It’s time now to start Locker for the last 2 games to build for next year. Hopefully we can retain Matt next year as our #2 QB to help Locker. Let’s see more of what Harper can do for us. Why run CJ into the ground over the last 2 games. These last 2 games are like a preseason game on steroids for us and we should use them to build for next year.

    The offseason needs to bring us help on the OL, WR, LB group. We have to fix holes in the run defense and tweak the pass defense. We need to address and access the move to the zone blocking scheme. I think it works great for a 1 cut and go type guy but doesn’t best utilize a speed back.

    I am impressed by the growth we have made this year with our youth. The last 2 years we have looked like the Colts of this year or the Lions of a few years ago. We need to build on this growth so that next season we may be wild card contender and the following year be a serious contender for the AFC Championship and Superbowl.
  2. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I agree. I need to see Munchak/Reinfeldt at least send Palmer and Amano away and put Matthews on notice to believe this staff is capable of producing an upper tier team.

    I'd like to see us draft some combo of OL and interior DL within the first 2 rounds.
  3. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    I agree with everything except.... Harper is not a power back.knaves has been. I doubt he ever will be.
  4. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    What dt would you take within the first two rounds?
  5. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I'd like us to pick up Brandon Thompson in the second (or trade down in first) if available) or Alameda Ta’amu in the third. I just think we are lacking a disruptive run stuffer type.
  6. Subjugation

    Subjugation Starter

    Not saying I disagree with what your saying oiler, but to me "getting real with myself" is admitting we are in a bad situation with the coaching staff we have.

    I disagree with the concept that the coaching staff needs to "grow". Dont confuse a 22 year old rookie player with a 50 something year old rookie head coach. This entire staff is payed big bucks to prepare a team, regardless of who is on it. This Titans team is consistently unprepared and undisciplined.

    Look at what was going on in Detroit prior to Schwartz getting there. Players doing what they want, parking in handicapped spots,etc.

    Look at whats currently going on in Minnesota, players doing their own thing, defense just deciding to run random plays as opposed to what the coach calls.

    What do you think is going on with the Titans? Do you think they are a disciplined bunch, all united and ready to go to war? There is no way. they are who they are. What we see on Sunday is this team. A Rookie special teams guy running up to the coach after his 4th stupid penalty with his arms out saying "What did I do?" Was he worried about the ramifications of his actions? Heck no, he didnt care what Munchak thought, Munchak, in no way is a disciplinarian to that rookie based off their interaction.

    2 years from now, Munchak isnt going to become a disciplinarian all of a sudden from experience. He is who he is.

    Part of me almost believes this is a ruse. Like they had an under the table deal that Munchak would just ride out the lockout season as coach and return to Oline in 2012 when the Titans could do a better talent assessment and have a proper coaching search.

    Normal coaches make "rookie mistakes", some bad challenges, a few blown calls, etc,etc. The thing is though, most make these mistakes while being a head coach. They talk the talk, they walk the walk, they make rookie head coach mistakes. Munchak consistently makes bad choices, and he does it like a coordinator filling in, not like a rookie head coach. He doesnt walk the walk, he doesnt talk the talk.
  7. Deuce Wayne


    Save the "we were supposed to suck" crap.

    Because we weren't.

    I expected 10 wins this year. And guess what? We SHOULD have had those 10 wins.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  8. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    I think the jags game was a fair warning or what was to come. We couldn't stop the run. We still can't. Once britt went down, hass production took a turd and now we are here... Looking to next year. Well I'm looking to college bowl games and trying to figure out who would be the best draft prospect but still.
  9. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler


    Same here.Before the season i made a topic titled 'Get A Veteran QB and Make Some Moves In Free Agency And We Could Be Better Than Expected' or something similar.As soon as we picked up Matt Hasselbeck i knew we would be better than we were when we KFC.I honestly expected us to be 10-6 or 9-7.We should've been at least 9-5 instead of 7-7 right now because we had two or maybe even three games that were very close.
  10. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    I'd love to just can Munchak and start from scratch. But I realize that's not going to happen. He has enough built-in excuses with the lockout, late hire, etc. (sound familiar to anyone else besides me?) And I suppose he deserves a fair shake. I just haven't seen enough from him to be very optimistic that things are going to get much better. Will he grow into the job? Absolutely. But will he ever be anything more than an average HC? Who knows... my money is on no.

    How I feel about Munchak heading into next season is largely going to depend on what he does with the staff and OL between now and then. Palmer must be fired IMO. The bad has far outweighed the good, plain and simple. I'm fine with keeping Gray around another year as I honestly think the defense is headed in the right direction. I just can't say the same thing about the offense and keep a straight face.

    Amano absolutely positively MUST be replaced. Dude is just not an NFL center. The thing that's been the most frustrating to me this season (and there's no shortage of choices) is that the OL has been so unbelievably bad throughout the entire season and NO changes were even ATTEMPTED. That's Jeff Fisher Loserball 101. The results speak for themselves.

    Sadly, I have zero confidence that any moves are going to be made regarding the coaching staff. I fear Munchak has that same blind loyalty Fisher does. I'm slightly more optimistic on the OL. Still I won't be too shocked if our starting OL looks exactly the same come September.
    • High Five High Five x 2
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