Just in case you forgot......

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Wingman, Sep 15, 2016.

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  1. JRayStay

    JRayStay Starter

    His mom should have him tested.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  2. Wingman

    Wingman Starter


    There is a downside when your best athlete is your qb

    PRAY IV M3RCY Pro Bowler

    I've rewatched that play a couple of times to come to the conclusion that Mariota had no chance of evading the defender. It just happened so fast his only option was to either go down or throw the ball in the dirt. He can work on his pocket awareness which I believe will enhance his ability to evade oncoming blitzers. Its like his 12th game played so far. You just have to accept the good with the bad for right now and stop predicting his ceiling as a Pro qb based on some poor decisions so early in his career that he can learn from.
  4. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    I think the Jags will disagree with you there...87 yards "evading" and out running them.
    • LOL LOL x 1
  5. Roscoes Wetsuit

    Roscoes Wetsuit Pro Bowler

    That play was fantastic. There was a seam in the pocket and he took off running. I am not saying Marcus isn't fast and can't out run a defender.

    But once again, when I say being elusive, I mean when you're dropped back to pass and winning a one on one match up against a defender bringing pressure to extend the play.

    Here are some examples.

    Right here, Orakpo has a shot to level Manziel, but he puts a move on him to buy time and throw it down field for a TD.

    Here, wins a one on one against JJ Watt, extends the play for a TD.

    Russell Wilson should of been sacked 3 times on this play, but he makes the Niners defense look absolutely ridiculous.

    Unblocked defender ready to tee off on Rogders here, spins out and makes a nice throw downfield.

    Although this looks like it was recorded with a potato, here is a play from Romo dodging defenders in the pocket to buy time and throw a strike down the field.

    So there y'all go. 5 examples of what I mean when I say as athletic as Marcus is, he isn't elusive. On all 5 of these plays, I am 99.9% sure he would either get sacked or a bad throw off his back foot.

    Sure, you can roll him out or give Marcus space or a seam, he can take off and that's great. I like that about him, but he's currently not the type to be in the pocket, make a defender miss and keep the play alive.
    #85 Roscoes Wetsuit, Sep 17, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
    • LOL LOL x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    I understand what you're saying by being elusive...yes 520, college video, deal with it
    I don't know how to post videos like you did, but at 2:20-2:25 of this video he does what I believe you're saying is elusive

    Marcus Mariota Highlights || "Ultimate Dual Threat" ᴴᴰ || Oregon - YouTube

    Manziel lol, he's elusive alright, avoiding an NFL career better than anyone
    #86 Ontario Titan, Sep 17, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
  7. Wingman

    Wingman Starter

    All good examples........also all seasoned veterans playing in an offense they know like the back of their hand with tons of nfl experience under their belts. 13 starts, 11 full games, 2 different head coaches, give it time...the wheels are there.
  8. Wingman

    Wingman Starter

    Minus Johnny dope smoker, all veterans. He got lucky on that play, plus it helps when you are playing our 2015 defense
  9. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    As soon as he climbs off her, I'm sure she will
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Roscoes Wetsuit

    Roscoes Wetsuit Pro Bowler

    Russell Wilson has been doing that since the moment he stepped into the NFL. But I understand the veteran thing, since the game slows down.

    But having straight line speed doesn't equate to having that quick twitch escape ability. Romo doesn't have wheels and he is amazing at making guys miss in the pocket.

    Johnny Manziel is absolute trash, but he still has that "backyard football" element in his game, which is why he made plays like that. Unlike a QB like Wilson or Romo, he did it cause he didn't really know how to play like an actual QB.

    I honestly think Marcus is the complete opposite of that. He is very mechanical and you can tell he plays that way. It seems he doesn't want to rely on athleticism or just letting loose. I actually like that about him, he is committed to actually being a guy who understands the game, can read and dissect a defense.

    He just needs to find a healthy balance between doing things the way he was coached or the right way and realize sometimes you need to say **** it, throw out the book and do it street style.
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