Is Faulk correct?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by fitantitans, May 20, 2010.

  1. That's a true statement

    17 vote(s)
  2. No. That's a false statement

    32 vote(s)
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  1. fitantitans

    fitantitans This space For Rent

    How do you feel about Faulks statement;
    "Without CJ last season, the Titans probably would've had the first pick of the draft. Without CJ this season, the Titans are doomed".

    I dissagree with him. I don't believe this is a one-man-band. I understand that we got beat in the playoffs vs. Baltimore because they took CJ out of the game. But that was because the Titans only had a plan A. No plan B.
    Could CJ have got 2,000 yards without a great OL? Could our OL made a better runner out of most of the RBs in the league?
  2. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    Hard to vote with just the two choices.. Doomed? probably not. Worse off? yes..
    At this point I think it will be a stalemate and I as a fan am prepared to not see Chris on the field this season. It's an unfortunate set of circumstances for everyone..
  3. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    Glad to see the specificity of the question.

    It's way too broad of a statement. First pick in the draft? Not likely. Doomed? Not exactly. We wouldn't be making the playoffs, but I think we'd still be competitive.

    I stick by my statement that CJ is just holding out long enough this season to highlight how underpaid he is. He'll come to camp once it starts, and this will just have put enough pressure on the team that he'll get paid next offseason as soon as the new CBA gets worked out (whether that's in February or August).

    His agent has to be smart enough to know that it's far too risky for everyone involved for him to hold out very far this year.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. Deuce Wayne


    I think we'd be fine without CJ.

    Our O-line is good enough to plug and play any 1200 yard rusher behind it.

    So we'll miss the 60 yard dashes. It may not be as exciting. But as I've said a thousand times- CJ doesn't fit this style of offense anyway. We're a TOP based team, and CJ's hit or miss style isn't the best for sustaining drives.

    And maybe we could find balance without focusing on getting him his individual stat records.
  5. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    I agree with some of this but I think one of the bigger factors CJ gives the Titans is that it forces defenses to key on him which creates opportunities for other players to be more productive. I don't think there are many RBs in the league who can do this.

    The Titans need to compliment CJ with a guy they can put in on third-and-one or a goal line situation and pick up the tough yards. Maybe that's Ringer but he didn't instill a ton of confidence in me he'd be nearly the factor on offense as CJ is.
  6. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    he got it wrong, with kerry collins, we would have been 0-16
    • High Five High Five x 4
  7. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    There's no way we would have had the #1 overall pick. Faulk is a moron... he won't last long in this business with idiotic statements like that. Basically, he thinks the Rams, Lions, Bucs, Redskins, Chiefs, Seahawks, Browns, Raiders, and Bills are better than the Titans. He obviously wasn't in his right mind when he made this statement, because you have to think that sort of thing through.

    If someone asked him "Hey are the Rams, Lions, Bucs, Redskins, Chiefs, Seahawks, Browns, Raiders, and Bills all better than the Titans without CJ?" (which is the same thing as asking if you think the Titans would have had the #1 overall pick without CJ) he'd say no.

    No CJ would have put us at 3-13 or 4-12, I'd say.

    He was literally our whole team. You can say that our O-line is great, and that's true, but you can't just put anyone back there and expect to be good.

    As for this season without him, I wouldn't say we're doomed. But, I think we'd be looking at somewhere between 6-8 wins. Nothing special. I think, overall, we've really improved as a team to where we don't need to rely on CJ as much, but without him you can kiss the playoffs goodbye.
  8. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    Its hard to agree or disagree with you, given the QB change. If VY started out as QB, but LDW was starting running back (and or ringer) whos to say we wouldn't have been better than 8-8? Remember, VY + LDW - CJ = 10-6 in 2007
  9. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    That's not really what the question is asking though. That's a "what if." Just assume that everything from last season is the same minus CJ. That's all the question is asking. It's not asking if VY had started over Kerry or what not. The whole question is about CJ. No one else.

    VY + LDW + Albert Haynesworth + Jim Schwartz + top 5 defense - CJ = 10-6 in 2007*
  10. fitantitans

    fitantitans This space For Rent

    Great point. With CJ in at RB for the first 6 games of the 2009 season, the Titans were 0-6.

    I also found this;

    CJ had 358 carries for 2,006 yards for an average of 5.6 yards per carry.
    Young had 55 carries for 281 yards for an average of 5.1 yards per carry.
    (Young accually out-did LenDale who avered 3.5 per carry). Thanks Seattle!
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