Do some of ya'll honestly think... (CJ booed)

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by bob45x32, Sep 18, 2011.

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  1. skitch

    skitch Shut Up and Play Ball!

    Or.......... he will pout, yell at his coach in front of his team, get released to become a back up, pull a hammy, and not be available when his new "dream team" needs him.
    OH WAIT.......
    Somebody already went down that road.:ha::ha:
  2. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    LOL.... "whatever", the last resort of those with no real comeback.

    The truth of the matter is I'd love to have an adult debate/discussion with you but you're clearly incapable. You don't pay a bit of attention to what anyone is actually saying. Amazingly, all you get out of a well laid out, three paragraph post is "I hate CJ because he had a bad game".

    I give up.
  3. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

  4. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

    Haters have had plenty of ammunition after facing back to back top five run defenses.

    Personally, I'm glad we now have an answer when teams are selling out to stop him. Still, I'm looking forward to CJ shutting his critics up going forward.
  5. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    I feel like the definition and simple process of human aging is flying over boner-for-CJ fans.
  6. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    CJ was the worst player on our team today.

    Now, I'm not going to ignore that he opened up the passing game. But as soon as the passing game opened up, CJ should have exploded.

    He doesn't hit the holes quick enough. He waits for something that isn't there and dances around expecting to break a huge run for a TD every play. He's got to learn to take what he can get every time. The holes will eventually open up and the big gains will come with patience.

    If CJ can play up to his potential, we will be a deadly team. Simple as that. I think we proved today that we can compete with any team in the league. The Ravens were being hailed as a top 5 team for a reason... they're that good, and we dominated them in every aspect of the game and finally won the turnover battle.
  7. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    and I do agree with this but on the other hand it's dumb to boo your franchise RB after 2 games against top run defenses. People wonder why the Titans get no media attention or why good free agents don't come here. Either the fans turn against you easier than any other fan base or the front office finds a way to screw something up.
  8. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    Titans lose let's blame CJ and not that terrible play by Griffin or horrible throw by Hasselbeck. Or why don't we win and blame CJ for not having a good game against a very good defense who from the start were determined not to get CJ going.
  9. cutter10

    cutter10 Rookie

    Time to embrace Chris Johnson.

    Everybody knows that Chris Johnson is one of the most explosive backs in the league, but since his holdout (which is just business) and lack of production, fans seems to turn on him too quick, these are the same fans that didn't give the Titans a chance against the Ravens, truth of the matter is, that teams are keying on Johnson and the O-line hasn't given him the space he needs, but now that teams see that Britt is game changer, i predict Johnson gets his 100 yds. come SUNDAY !!!!!(QUOTE ME ON THAT).
  10. Ryudo

    Ryudo Farten Up

    Another one of these topics. Could not have been posted in any of the others?
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