Rusty Smith sucks

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TheSureThing, Nov 28, 2010.

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  1. lilkhmerkid4u

    lilkhmerkid4u Somebody Saveeeeeee Meee!

  2. Tackhead #9

    Tackhead #9 Harder, better, faster, stronger

    Shortly after Dinger told him the next play was going to be a pass.
  3. oldoilerfan

    oldoilerfan Camp Fodder

    On the bright side since Vince is on IR, he can't come in to save Fisher's job (again)!
  4. oldoilerfan

    oldoilerfan Camp Fodder

    I hope Vince gets traded to another team. Too many Fisher guys in TN.
  5. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    Smith must dip tobacco. He needs to scrub his bottom teeth. Yukkk.
  6. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I've heard about how "football smart" Rusty is. I didn't really like hearing him try to prove to it in the post game comments:

    "(on putting the frustrating plays behind him) “One of the main characteristics that a good quarterback has is amnesia, being able to forget about things that happened in the past, good and bad. You have to be able to get over things, bad and good.”

    (on the first interception thrown from inside his end zone) “Yeah, that was a bad throw.”

    (on the second interception, thrown inside the red zone) “One of the cardinal sins as a quarterback is flipping sides on a read and that is what I did.”

    (on the offense’s frustration today) “We couldn’t stay on the field on 3rd downs. We didn’t build momentum and couldn’t stay ahead of the chains. Our defense was on the field too long and that was our fault. We didn’t stay on the field.”

    (on what the Texans’ defense did to keep the Titans from throwing more deep balls) “If the defense is going to take away the deep throws, I’m not going to throw them and risk getting more interceptions. The farther the pass is, the lower the percentage is of it being completed.”


    He sounds far too analytical. I realize it is completely unfair to evaluate him with his first start being a road-division game but I'm a little bit worried he doesn't play with enough "feel". I'm hoping his experience will allow him to play with a better blend of knowledge, instinct and "feel". He certainly sounds "football smart".
  7. quagliero

    quagliero Teh Awsum

    Certainly a more interesting analysis than: "We didn't, um, do them things that, err, we need do to win the game." :lol:
    • High Five High Five x 1
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