Need to lose as many games as possible from here on out

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Maker_84, Nov 14, 2013.

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  1. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    I won't root for them to lose, but I sure as hell don't care if we do lose the rest of the season.

    The 6th Wild Card spot is still wide open. Losing out to me and getting the earlier draft pick isn't want I'm going for. Losing out to me means a whole new coaching staff in place.

    One thing I'm certain about is that I will be very pissed if we miss out on the playoffs by one game, and then nothing is done to relieve Munch and Co from their duties..
    • High Five High Five x 5
  2. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler


    completely agree here but my frustration is at a boiling point where I want whatever needs to happen to get munch and his cronies out of office to happen!
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  3. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    you guys know if nyjets and san diego and Baltimore lose were basically in the same position...I think we can beat colts in indy and maybe only lose vs broncos from here out. thatll get us in playoffs. of course something has to change. we need to play inspired. its sad that up 17-6 and saw indy score I knew game was over this team doesn't fight through adversity they crumble at the first sign of things not going there way
  4. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Am I really tired or is this a suggestion for Spurrier as head coach of the Titans? Cause that aint going to happen.
  5. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler


    i agree and I saw the whole thing coming from the 2nd quarter onward. We finally got out to a fast start that we never saw in the MM era but that came crashing down fast! F***
  6. jplusip

    jplusip Pro Bowler


    How the **** can you say that? After the past two ****ing games, one in which we got beat by the worst team in the history of the ******* NFL, how in the flying **** can you project us to win against anybody at this point?
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  7. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    cuz I don't like sitting in ****

    id rather look forward with positivity than dwell on the crapstock that is our team lately

    plus if we play hard for 4 quarters we can compete with anyone on our schedule. cept the broncos

    ive given up on that game as a possibility for a w

    does that make you happy?

    I bet me thinking were gonna lose makes you feel all warm and fuzzy insside
  8. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler


    I am all with you on the positive spirit but there is NONE with this team. If we were gonna see positive it would have happened last night and we lost to a division opponent at home for the 2nd straight week on prime time no less. I look forward to next year with a new coach and a new HEALTHY QB!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. lilkhmerkid4u

    lilkhmerkid4u Somebody Saveeeeeee Meee!

  10. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    This theory doesn't work.

    It matter less when you pick and more who you pick. Honey Badger is one of the best defensive players of the month and is a rookie 3rd round pick.
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