Post-Game Thread Game 9 Final Score: Colts 34 - Titans 17

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Nov 12, 2020.

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  1. TitansWrath

    TitansWrath Pro Bowler

    So we were in the mall because I bought my wife an expensive watch, and we were there to exchange it for a different model. This is in China btw.

    Had lunch at a restaurant, where as I mentioned, I yelled expletives loudly.

    Then we proceed to the watch store, she picked her watch, and they had me pay full price, then refunded the old purchase.

    Then they tell me the refund will take up to 14 days to process.

    I... Went... The... Eff... Off. This is right after the game ended.

    Now I'm 6'4 225 lb. I'm a giant here. I'm pacing, ranting, screaming "effing bullish..."

    I turn to my wife, who usually doesn't like when I do this...

    "am I going too far?"

    "nah, give em hell baby."

    In the end, six members of mall management are summoned. I say that since they have the money for both watches, I will just take them both with me, and bring it back in 14 days when I have my money. They quickly locked it up.

    The mall manager says, "sir, I promise you, you will get your money."

    I said, "oh, you bet your ass I will. One way or another."

    They ended up giving me a free backpack. Pretty nice actually.

    *** the colts. *** China.
    • LOL LOL x 3
    • Cheers Cheers x 2
  2. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    Tough one in a huge game.

    Aj brown drop was huge, putting the Colts down 14-0 would have changed the game. We could have leaned more on Henry, and play action would have been deadly. Colts aren't made to play from behind.

    The first drive of the 3rd quarter was a huge stop. Really proud of the D standing up there after that long of a drive on a short week, real gritty. The drive after that looked promising, everyone knew Henry was getting the ball, but he kept grinding yards. Then he was out on the 2nd/3rd and short getting his shoulder looked at and then the 17 yard punt. At that point D was absolutely gassed, they weren't going to stop a nose bleed. Another huge swing for the Colts.

    Then the blocked punt return, the nail in the coffin.

    But the frustration still couldn't end. Why not kick a fg and make it a 2 score game???? I'm all for aggressive coaching but that was absolutely asinine, sure td there would have been ideal, but it wasn't 100% necessary.

    Hopefully Henry, saffold, and tannehill are all still relatively healthy. Can't afford to lose any of those guys after a performance like this.

    All in all a very sobering performance in a very big game but I don't think it's as doom and gloom as most believe it to be.

    If it wasn't for special teams blunders the titans win this game. The offense did enough, against a very good D. The defense was in a real tough spot, short week, after being on the field a ton vs the bears, and again tonight. I thought they actually played pretty well.

    Also Thursday games are always weird, never seems like a super accurate representation of a team.

    10 days to get ready for the ravens, they've been less dominant this year, and we play em tough. Hopefully we can make a statement and beat them down, especially because we may be chasing them in the wildcard.

    Then it's the rematch vs colts, biggest game of the year right there
  3. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    Also Kevin Byrd stinks, I wonder if he maybe has a nagging injury? He never struck me as the type to mail it in after a big pay day but maybe.
  4. GeronimoJackson

    GeronimoJackson Brainwashed by the Left. Now I am free.

    I will admit, I jumped on the Tannenhill hype train too early, he's been very mediocre since Lewan went down. Now that we're in a funk and teams continue to stack the box against Henry, we're about to find out in the second half of this season, if Tannenhill is a legit franchise QB or nothing more than a glorified game-manager.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  5. SalmonSlayer

    SalmonSlayer Pro Bowler

    Looking back at our awesome run in 2019, large part of that was because DH just went pure beast mode and dominating every defense. Now, I'm in no way minimize Tammy as he stepped up and balled. But in the playoff game vs KC he was shut down and didn't give much after Henry was stopped.

    Real question, can Tammy take over when Henry is not beasting? It's needed and I can't say he can, he's not on the level as a Mahomes, Wilson, Rodgers or prime Brady and I feel we need that for a deep run.
  6. Whitters21

    Whitters21 Starter

    Indy were so much more aggressive both sides of the ball.

    Our D was in prevent swiss cheese mode all game bar a couple of 4th down stops. Even then Byard lined up 8 yards deep in man on 4th and 2. WTF

    Think Indy’s first punt was with 3 mins to go in 4th Q having racked up 480 yards offense, embarrassing.

    No adjustments to stop Hines tearing us up. No pressure on Rivers. Dink and dunked to death..

    Special teams completely woeful. What a beatdown after halftime.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. Whitters21

    Whitters21 Starter

    Rivers completed 22 of his 25 attempts for 199 yards when passing within 2.5 seconds of the snap

    Translation - we play Vanilla defense every down.
  8. Whitters21

    Whitters21 Starter

    Offense was just OK. Can’t expect Tannehill & co to put up 30+ points every game and TD scoring drive every possession. Feels like that’s our only chance of winning with this defense and special teams gaffs.

    There were some missed throws and the AJ drop was very uncharacteristic and huge. Whole game was a nightmare from the start of the second half.
  9. TitanMark

    TitanMark Pro Bowler

    Some of y’all need to step back off the edge and chill. Losing your LT is a HUGE deal in the NFL. The Titans defense isn’t good. But all this under .500 talk is compete nonsense. Firing Vrabel and Robinson is moronic. Barring injury this is a 10 win team. Beat the Colts at their joint you get 11 wins. But the off season has to be defense defense and more defense. But this Titans team is still a good football team.
  10. RTH

    RTH Meh...

    At this rate, Titans will be wasting a good offense.

    By the time the staff "figures it out", the key components of the offense will have already peaked and either going bad or simply signed to another team.

    Great job Titans!

    Wasted talent.
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