FIRE MUNCHAK (ongoing)

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Astrophysics, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. XO

    XO Nevada Native

    Oh yea

    We official dumpster fire status at this point.
  2. wrench248

    wrench248 Pro Bowler

    yes, the team is better than last years, but not by much.

    Plus Munch took over in 2010 and this team isnt better than that team.

    Munch has had his three years and there's no improvement, time for him to get the boot.

    As for the players, there are a bunch of them who need to be held accountable (CJ, Britt, etc.) for their poor performances. I have a feeling that a few of them will be gone at the beginning of next season.

    This franchise needs a new plan and direction. Munch and a bunch of these players should not be part of it.
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  3. Big TT


    If not now, I am not sure I want to see it get worse. Lost to worst team in the NFL (that actually happens all too often around here), lost starting QB for the season...I'm sure there are a few bright points but truthfully I can't think of any now.
  4. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor


    JC looks good still??

    I can think of that one!!!
  5. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    Jeff Fisher doesn't lose this game today. Munch is really making it hard for me to miss Jeff Fisher.
  6. titan_fan_4ever

    titan_fan_4ever Titans Rule

    People love to blame the coordinators....

    The OC doesn't open the playbook for Locker to take shots downfield, blah blah.... No, Locker doesn't take shots downfield b/c the dude simply can't throw it beyond 10 yards with a hint of accuracy. All he wants to do is checkdown... The only problem is that you have to be accurate to do that, and well, he isn't... He also throws passes incredibly fast (and often off target) on shorter routes when there is no need to. I really thought he turned a page earlier on, but alas, the old Lock I used to bash for being wildly inconsistent and oft-injured is back in full form...Its really funny that before the Jags game I wrote this:


    As for Munch, yeah, I too am growing a bit tired of him.

    Often on the sidelines, I REALLY feel he's asking dudes around him what to do.... In fact, I'm almost certain. It seems our HC is unable to make decisions. I like how he isn't afraid to replace players who aren't performing, but that is about the only really good thing I've said about him....

    I wonder if he recognizes he isn't cut out for it. I've always said he's been good for us and to us, but with Bruce seemingly horrible as an OL coach, I'd really love for Munch to go back there and for the FO to bring in someone new to lead the team.

    I'd love a guy like Sean Payton, creative offensive mind who can call the plays and be the HC.
  7. RTH

    RTH Meh...

    Honestly, I don't believe Williams would make a good HC. He's a DC.

    However... he might be a step up from Munch. Maybe.
  8. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    I have stated multiple times in my replies on here that idgaf if we move on from Munch. He is an average NFL coach.

    Let me simplify this for everyone since it seems kind of hard to grasp and that I am coming off as a Munch apologist.....

    Is Tom Coughlin a good coach? he is responsible for what is on the field. Sure, he has won two super bowls, but that doesnt mean anything today. He must have forgotten how to coach because they are 3-6 right now.

    Surely he must be fired... right?

    What I am saying, is players matter. Today, we lost this game because of our players, not because of Munch. 4 turnovers. Thats Cj's not being able to hold onto the ball, Fits doing a handoff to the wrong team, and Locker throwing.. somewhere in fking egypt on that pass attempt.

    That.. is NOT coaching. Thats the NFL. Thats turnovers. Thats teams (especially an AVERAGE team, like the Titans are), showing how up and down they can be. We were competitive with several playoff teams this year, now we are losing to the worst team in the NFL.
  9. ukjonky

    ukjonky Starter

    If this organization wants to win going forward, they must hire outside the organization. Its as simple as that. We spent $100M in free agency and might be just a little better than we were last year. McLaughlin got up in front of us at the PSL Member meeting this summer and told us BIG changes were coming and we WOULD be going to the playoffs this year. Well, when you make big time personnel changes and you're still average at best, that tells you that your coaching staff sucks. And if you continue to just promote from within this snoringly mediocre franchise, you get more of what you've always had.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  10. yanek27

    yanek27 Starter

    I heard the guy down at A&M wants to Coach in the NFL, time for this team to take a shot at someone young and someone on the rise. Tired of this in house stuff, our house has NO SUPER BOWL RINGS.
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