AJ Brown traded to Eagles

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Dman5TX, Apr 28, 2022.

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  1. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    When I originally saw us move up, I thought we moved up to 18 and probably savaged our future in order to do so. Never did I think it would be part of an AJ Brown trade.
  2. Titans23

    Titans23 Starter

    At first as ticked off about this trade, then I was accepting of it, and now I'm glad we did it. Brown was not going to sign here after is Man crush with Hurts took off. Dude is a great player but he has the signs of Antonio Brown in the making. Just watch what happens now he has his contract. The fact he goes on Twitter and says "Not my fault" hours after the trade then deletes it says everything I need to know. Just go watch the Hurts clip he posted showing how much he was cheering for this trade. It's evident Brown wanted this outcome and he got it.

    Dude got offered top 5 WR money from his current team that would of been a super bowl contender then spit in their face and said no I want to top 3 money! The best he had produced to date is around the number 10-15 receiver in the league and he never played a full season!

    So yea man just admit you got gready and 20 mil wasn't enough and you wanted 25. GTFO with that crap....you thought Tanny was bad, just wait for Jalen air mailing the ball next time you cross the middle as the safety comes to lay the wood. Good riddance!!
    #142 Titans23, Apr 28, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2022
  3. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    Ridiculous statement. There’s a reason the top WR is paid $30 million a year. It’s not because there’s plenty of them.
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 2
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  4. Tuckfro42

    Tuckfro42 Frozen Donkey Wheel

    Okay. Do it. Make a list of “elite” QBs vs “elite” WRs. The reason the price is high is because salary cap is going up. Prove me wrong.
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
  5. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    “AJ Brown’s extension Is reasonable when you compare it to say Christian Kirk”
    • LOL LOL x 1
  6. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    No one said there aren’t more elite WR’s than QB’s. Only 1 starting QB per team vs 3 WR’s

    You’re statement that elite WT’s are plentiful is flat out wrong.

    Salary cap is going up but yet no RB is making $39 million per year…
  7. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    We don’t care about having a better record than the Eagles. That’s not the goal.
  8. Titans23

    Titans23 Starter

    To be fair Jacksonville is ran by a bunch of idiots and single handily blew up the WR market.

    • High Five High Five x 1
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  9. Shane Grimes

    Shane Grimes Starter

    I can't think of a single elite WR currently playing in the league who hasn't been traded.

    Trading elite WRs is exactly what you do.
  10. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    And you don’t think the Vikings did the same for the QB market??
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