2022 Draft

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by Carp, May 6, 2021.

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  1. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    They all improved from when they were in Tennessee that's my point. Joseph was a perfect 0/0 kicking field goals for Tennessee so that's a moot point.

    It doesn't matter if they are better than Randy (which they were), it matters that we burn through kickers like there's no tomorrow, then on their next team they put it together and stick around for the most part. Maybe it's all just a fluke, but I don't think it's something to totally write off either.
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  2. Broken Arrow

    Broken Arrow Just a Fan....

    There are no facts in your last sentence -- please leave personal opinions out of the topic..
    • LOL LOL x 1
  3. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    I guess that’s my point, the 1% difference is “putting it together”. While people are complaining about bullock (justified), our old kickers are hardly better on their new teams and in some cases worse when considering the entire list the titans had. Succop is the exception.

    And Joseph was 1/1 FG and 18/18 xp when you also look at the playoffs for Tennessee.
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  4. DoubleBlue

    DoubleBlue Highly Respected Poster

    I think going forward we just need trust in a kicker to make 40/50 plus yarders, and with Randy we dont have that
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  5. Cajun_Titan_33

    Cajun_Titan_33 Pro Bowler

    Anyone else going to be at the draft? Staying at Paris hotel.
  6. 10ECTyrant

    10ECTyrant What! Tip Jar Donor

  7. Carp

    Carp Starter

    Randy for another year wouldn't be horrible. We definitely should bring in someone highly as UDFA though. I will say though, everyone was pissed we didin't take Blankenship in 2020. While he had a solid 2020, he got replaced midway through this season. Just goes to show you how hard it is to find a truly great kicker and how fortunate we were for almost our entire existence in TN. We've only had 3-4 seasons of poor kicking performances. Ironically, we've only had about that many seasons of great QB play, lol (I kid.... a little).
    • Pigeon Bomb Pigeon Bomb x 1
  8. PhiSlammaJamma

    PhiSlammaJamma Critical Possession

    We are in good position to get one of the qb, that's a good thing, and a bad thing. Most of these qb are small school, and nobody stands out as great. But we are in the perfect draft position to snag one. So do it. End the debate. Let's give one of these kids a bank roll and see what we get.

    I would trade up to get the best one of a bad lot. Pittsburgh, Carlina, and the Saints ( maybe) will be in the market ahead of us. Washington and Denver may want something shiny to hang a hat on. So we likely have to move.
    #98 PhiSlammaJamma, Feb 2, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
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  9. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    did not trust fat randy to kick a 52 yarder in POs

    he has to go
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  10. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    I wonder if he wasn’t trusted or if Vrabel was just that invested in his 2 pt conversion decision, aka going for it vice kicking the FG by decision, not lack of faith in Fat Randy. May not know the answer for sure but Randy was only 1/1 from 50+ all year.
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