Prospect Visits

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by Tricky, Mar 25, 2019.

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  1. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Two things to keep in mind. First, we may be looking at so many EDGE guys because we may be thinking of taking one (or two) in the middle rounds. If you were gonna take one in the top 2 rounds, you look at about 8 guys...we're more than double that.

    Second, nothing is from equality...meaning, we are not gonna draft as much defense as offense just because. Our D is MUCH better than our offense so our offense needs more help. Problem is, this is a heavy defense draft with a few exceptions. There are a handful of premium OL prospects and a couple of premium TE prospects. Starting in round 2, there is a LOT of WR talent from 2nd -4th rounds. Of course, there is a lot of front 7 talent in the first 3 rounds.

    So do you load up on D and try and make it the best D in the league and we'll see where we are with Mariota and everyone else at the end of the year? Or do you try and add some difference makers on the offense...say Fant, Bradbury and a WR and then go D the rest of the draft?

    It's gonna be interesting to see. The way I see things of a few defensive players we want will be available at 19. At least one wr will be there if not all of them. I think only Fant will be available at #19.

    I think our most likely trade up scenario is to get to #14 or #15 for a specific player we like. But I think we wait til #19 and see who's there and what offers we get. I think our most likely value scenario is to trade down with the Raiders...drop 5 spots back and move up in round 2 to pick 35. But I could definitely see the Patriots trying to make a big move up for Hockenson or a D player they like.
  2. TitansWrath

    TitansWrath Pro Bowler

    Edge guys need to be rotated. They cant go balls out every snap.

    This goes double when one of your starters is a bit undersized and weak against the run, and the other one was born in Reagan's first term.
  3. TitansWrath

    TitansWrath Pro Bowler

    I think the staff and front office wants pretty immediate improvement. They don't want 9-7 for a fourth straight year.

    It's rare for WR or TE to make a big impact as rookies.

    I'd say wilkins is at the top of our board. He's the style player we need (a rusher more than a space eater) and displays high work ethic and character. He's a Jrob kinda guy.

    I see wilkins first, edge in second. Maybe C or G in third.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I think we have quality depth there, 3 edge rushers is a bit overkill

    But I also think it was a bit of a joke
  5. 10ECTyrant

    10ECTyrant What! Tip Jar Donor

    Yeah, my point was I wanna dry hump QBs up and down the field all season. I want not only a top Defense but a feared Defense.
    #115 10ECTyrant, Apr 22, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    All things being equal, I think the Titans go TE, Edge or DT with the first.

    But I wouldn't be shocked to see C or G if the depth at Edge is as deep as many say.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Theres only a handful of centers worth drafting, if we take one its gonna be earlier than Id like but I get it.. Gotta play the draft, dont let the draft play you

    same at Guard, theres maybe 10 guys youd want

    As for TE I think 19 is way too high to get your next Luke Stocker type..
  8. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Problem is, I don't think Wilkins makes it to us. At DT your choice may be Gary, Simmons, or Tillery. If Edge is Ferrell, Polite and even Bradbury could go before our pick...then what? Take McCoy at C or go wr or Fant IF he's still there? I think we'd trade down or try to in this situation but I can see it happening.

    The thing with Simmons is, he could end up being a top 5 pick in this draft in 2-3 maybe he does or does not give us a boost when we need it late in the season/playoffs...but if not, he could be one of the best players on the team for the next 7 years.
  9. greenwheel

    greenwheel Starter

    Does Simmons fit the profile the Titans look for? Didn't he assault a woman in a fight a few years ago? Seems like Mississippi State took some heat in allowing him to play. Plus didn't he tear his ACL in February? Would the Titans take a guy who is probably not going to play this season?
  10. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    The assault thing is something they'd have to determine if he's on their board or they drop him down or whatever. They'll know more about that they we will so I'm not really looking at that aspect of his as a prospect. Yes, he tore his acl so he probably won't play a lot this year if at all. Current projections are he might play the last 6-7 games but he also could miss the year.

    The plus side is he is strong and tough against the run and has played everywhere from NT - where's he's hard to move even against double teams - to 5 tech (DE in 3-4) and is equally adept at rushing the passer. And unlike Wilkins, he can win with moves or power! Does he have some things he needs to improve, yes...but everyone does.

    If he didn't have those two negatives (person red flag and current health)...he's easily a top 10 lock and arguably goes top 5 in the draft.
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