What game(s) are you playing now?

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Ryudo, Jan 9, 2012.

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  1. Tewa Titan

    Tewa Titan Starter

    I've got Halo Infinite. I agree the campaign has been fun multiplayer on the other hand I'm not really enjoying that. Yesterday I put a ps3 emulator on my PC along with NCAA football 14. I also installed the College Football Revamped add on to it so now it has updated rosters and uniforms for all the teams.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple

    Halo is one of my favorite franchises for the campaign alone. I've never even played a match of Halo. Will probably check it out after I finish the story, though. I really hope they release campaign dlc, will buy it instantly.

    What sucks is the coop being a year+ away. That is shameful on their part.
  3. jplusip

    jplusip Pro Bowler

    Played through Halo Infinite on Heroic from Wednesday-Saturday. Had been playing multiplayer since the beta came out a few weeks ago (and played one of the pre-flight things prior to that).

    Halo Infinite is hands down GOTY for me, and it's not even close. Loved how they resolved the plot of Halo 5, love the gameplay direction, loved the boss fights, love multiplayer... 343 really nailed it, and I'm excited to see the new campaign stuff over the next 10 years or whatever they said.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  4. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor

    Infinite's campaign is good so far.. I was hoping the multiplayer would hold my attention like Halo 3 but no. Big Team Battle is not that good, I hate the ****ing random vehicle and power drops. Halo 3 had balanced heavy weapon/vehicles for each side.. I remember spawning on Sandtrap and the Spartan Laser was available immediately for both sides. That was fun. Having 1 heavy drop randomly is not balanced. Quickplay is whatever but I hate the playlist setup they have.. slayer and objectives should always be separate.

    Getting rid of the Spartan Laser in favor of the Skewer is also bleh.

    The battle pass is also garbage so I'm not spending any $ on this game
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  5. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    Is Halo Infinite only for XBox or is there a PC version?
  6. Tewa Titan

    Tewa Titan Starter

    I was hoping the multiplayer was going to be a upgraded version of halo 3 but it's not at all. It almost feels call of duty like, the time to kill is higher than pervious Halo titles as well. I'll break shields and it takes 3 bursts from the BR in the chest to kill. The power weapons are weak, it's sad the best weapons are the AR and pistol. Oh and **** Odd ball it's all I get in ranked.
  7. Tewa Titan

    Tewa Titan Starter

    If you have Gamepass it's free for both PC and Xbox.
  8. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple

    Both, cross platform mp as well
  9. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor

    Sure would be nice if I could fly the Wasp for more than 30 seconds without being harassed by Banshees or stun locked over and over by those ****ing shock rifles
    • LOL LOL x 1
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  10. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple

    **** is infuriating
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
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