Post-Game Thread AFC Wild Card Final Score: Ravens 20 - Titans 13

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Jan 10, 2021.

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    LANGSTER Pro Bowler

    What did happen to Davis? What was the injury and when? That has kind of been the issue with him in his career here, He plays well then disappears!
  2. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    Losers of the weekend

    8) Mike Vrabel

    With Tennessee trailing 17-13 and just over 10 minutes remaining in regulation, Vrabel punted on a fourth-and-2 from the Baltimore 40. Seriously. Then after the game, Vrabel cited field position (um, you were on their side of the field, coach) and his defense (a lackluster unit throughout the season). You can't make it up.

    You employ the 6-foot-3, 247-pound force of nature called Derrick Henry, Mike. The other team employs the terrifying weapon that is Lamar Jackson. You have the ball in your opponent's territory. And you ... punt it away?! According to Pro Football Reference, that was the first time in their database (going back to 1994) that a team in the playoffs had ever punted on fourth-and-2 in similar field position when trailing by one score. The first time!

    That was a farce, Mr. Vrabel. Oh, and your team was up double digits, at home, and blew it.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 3
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    LANGSTER Pro Bowler

    There just is no argument against Loser of the Weekend Post! I will never understand why that was done!
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  4. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

  5. lilgriffey84

    lilgriffey84 Starter

    Each game has a handful of moments that correlate to a win or a loss,

    Settling for 3 instead of 7 after the butler pick,allowing Lamar to rush for the td before half to tie the game, settling for 0 after the tucker fg miss, the punt

    the play calling was suspect to, why not use firk more ? Johnu dropped a huge third down conversion. You knew they were going to sell out to stop Henry, our first drive we spread them out and let Aj do what he wanted after that they got away from brown when they shouldn’t have.

    no complaints about the D they limited a lot and people will point towards stats etc but at the end of the day they held the ravens to 20 points, which should be enough to win. The pass rush was decent and they brought some pressure but once again offense wouldn’t convert in big spots
  6. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    The 4th and 2 punt was a terrible call, the Jackson run before the half was a killer.
    Jonnu didn't drop it, that was a good hit from the D, Smith didn't have time to make that catch, hit immediately
    Getting away from Firkser and Henry hurt as well.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  7. Aspirean

    Aspirean Camp Fodder

    Aren't the Titans the team that stomped on the Raven's logo and then cussed and shouted at Harbaugh when he told them to show some class?

    And aren't Titans fans on this forum the ones that made fun of Todd Heap running his daughter over in last year's playoff thread? I seem to remember not a single person saying, "maybe we shouldn't act like sociopaths". But a whole lot of you laughed about it - as if that made the 2019 Ravens look bad.

    After that, I'm certain that Titans fans are the best arbiters of class, and who lacks it. ;)
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 2
  8. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 2

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Jokes on you

    No one here knows what an arbiter is lol

    Personally I find all this nitpicking by Titan fans just to be a southern people thing. Not all of us care about these petty acts like skipping out on a handshake or dancing on a logo.

    Its entertainment
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. McNair9

    McNair9 Special Teams Standout

    Sorry buddy but the ravens have been classless and dirty for years. However do unto others as they have done to you. There should be no whining from the titans or our fans when we did the exact same thing to the ravens earlier in the year.
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