If The Titans miss it by one did CJ's holdout cost them a playoff spot?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by CRUDS, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. Yes, no brainer.

  2. No. his holdout and performance had no bearing.

  3. Maybe - I'm not sure of stuff.

  4. CJ is the awesomest! He can never be blamed for anything - ever.

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  1. wrench248

    wrench248 Pro Bowler

    The holdout obviously had a pretty major impact if it took nearly two full months for the running game to get any type of cohesion.

    I'm happy the running game has finally shown up, but it took long enough and some of that definitely falls on the shoulders of CJ.
  2. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    Allow me to rephrase the question for you.
    Do The Titans win game one with a fully prepared, camp hardened, non-holding out CJ?
    The rest is just math.

    How long is a piece of string?
  3. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    If 11 wins gets TN in and 10 doesn't, it doesn't matter one iota when that one differing game was played.
    The guy in his first game ever as a Titan (Hasselbeck) should have had the most clutch weapon fully oiled n sharpened and and at his disposal. Instead CJ was soft and money drunk.
    Thank god Hasselbeck and crew were able to adapt to a CJ-less offense as quick as they did and not lose a bunch more games.
  4. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    I just don't see what good this does. Why do this? Why assign blame to one player? What is your goal here Cruds?
  5. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    I voted no because your option choices were totally biased. I should have voted he's the awesomest because it had the most truth to it...

    Yeah, he costed us that Jacksonville game. But you can't blame it all on him beacuse

    1. It all plays out differently if CJ doesn't holdout, butterfly effect, you can't prove it would have been a win if he doesn't hold out.

    2. He won us the past 2 games by himself, without him we lose those games, so if we make if we miss it by 1 game it will be more because no one else helped CJ moreso than CJ didn't do enough IMO.

    Btw Hasselbeck gets no blame here? The last 4 weeks including the Falcons game he's played like straight poop. If we win that falcons game we make the playoffs right?
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    I think it would be silly to blame the loss solely on one player.

    Nobody is going to feel bad for Forte/Fred Jackson considering they both got hurt which could cause them to get screwed on their contract? Forte could have gone down as one of the most underpaid players in the history of the game (given performance) if his injury had been more serious.

    It's business. People have to look out for their personal interest. It sucks the front office wasn't ready to go with the deal they promised so CJ wouldn't miss time.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  7. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    CC and GoT live in Candyland where players don't hold out for contracts and black athletes aren't accepted. They enjoy it there.
  8. cutter10

    cutter10 Rookie

    Not really, ownership tried to play hard ball too long, blame goes both ways, signing Johnson should've been Titans top priority ASAP.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    You make some good points. Sure you could technically blame Hasselbeck (or even the D) for a game and therefore (potentially) missing the playoffs. The difference? Hasselbeck didn't hold out. Hasselbeck didn't skip camp. Hasselbeck didn't skip the entire preseason.

    Hasselbeck may not have been perfect but he did everything in his power to be able to leave it all out there on the field each and every Sunday. The same cannot be said of CJ. He thought he was so good he just come right in and be the same old CJ. He was wrong. And he hurt the team.
  10. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    My point is though, even if CJ doesn't hold out, prove to me that something would have changed. You can't. So whats the argument?
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