Sterling Sharpe: Titans don’t know what ails CJ2K

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Ohio2Tenn, Nov 3, 2011.

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  1. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    First of all they can simply cut him. The CAP hit is about 8 mil next year where if he stays the CAP hit is almost 10 mil. If he keeps under performing they should just cut him loose. Obviously nobody is going to give up anything for him with his current contract.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    This is a bad week to be C.J.. Pretty much everyone and their mother has come to the realization that he got paid so now he's chillin. He's about to face 3 fast LB's this week, now way he breaks 100 yards.

    We could trade him when the year is over, he's not due crazy money going forwards. This dude has "The Itis" baaad right now LOL. I really hope he's out of his funk by December. That's the time we're going to need him most.
  3. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    if he doesn't get out of his funk soon, December may be too late.
  4. amy

    amy Starter

    Well, he can continue to blame everyone but himself and feel sorry for himself, but the bottom line is that the fans-and likely also the coaching staff-believe it's the fear of being hurt and unable to spend his money on anything but hospital costs that is responsible for him curling up in a little ball when he sees a big 300 pounder bearing down on him.
  5. jessestylex

    jessestylex DeadGirlsCantSayNo

    If thats the case cj should retire now...practise squad rb's can do what cj is.
  6. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    I wonder what he'll say when we ask for the money back because he isn't playing like a superstar?

    No doubt that that doesn't work both ways in CJs world.
  7. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor


    might need too be done, but cant be done till 2014 IMO. Same situation played out with Thigpen and Titans had too wait till his last year too release him

    Its the rolling forward of the bonus that makes it all but impossible to get rid of the little guy

    PFT claims to know how cris Johnsons contract is structured if they are correct then:

    signing bonus 10m only 1.6 counts against 2011 CAP leaving 8.4m that would roll into 2012. salaries of 8m and 10m are guranteed for 2012 & 2013 meaning if goldgrill was cut at the end of the season over $26m would roll into the 2012 CAP. lessening too 17m if the little dude is cut in 2013. Titans could realistically release the guy in 2014 for about $5m CAP hit, which would be the remaining portion of the $10m 2011 signing bonus rolling into 2014. I think the Titans could spread these CAP hits out over 2 seasons meaning cutting cris J in 2012 would reduce CAP by $13m in 2012 & 2013 and cutting the little guy in 2013 would reduce the CAP by $8-9m in 2013 & 2014, which might be doable depending on how despreate they are to free up the scatbacks roster spot
  8. Obie09

    Obie09 Pro Bowler

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