What is everyone's perfect scenario for the Titans?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by cdubbs2121, Jan 5, 2011.

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  1. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    He needs to shave, and we'll talk. Looks like a big furry caterpillar crawled up his face.
  2. Tight Uns

    Tight Uns I'm a girl, dude


    The bottom two pics look like the same woman....who looks 10 years older than him.

    That ain't too pimp.
  3. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    Orton's long lost twin sister?

    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. MSIJustice

    MSIJustice Camp Fodder

    Ok i no i'm a "newbie" on here but you guys sound RETARDED! Why in the world would ANYONE want to trade CJ? He is the of the most explosive players to ever play the game!I mean even if luck was coming out this draft it wouldn't be worth it cause no one knows if he will actually be good, he could be a bust like Leinart! Anyways Fisher is going to stay and he is a GOOD coach! Almost every team would want him if he was released...he is a known winner! Also why would any of you want Orton? He sucked in denver for most of the season....thats why he lost his job to a rookie! Orton would not help this team! Maybe Kolb! And why would we get rid of Cortland? He is one heck of a corner....because he is so physical!

    1. I think getting Big Al back is a good idea! he was a heck of a player for us....him and Jason Jones would be SICK!
    2. Our D isn't bad! We need to bring Tully back cause he is one of our best players and we cant lose him! Also bring Babin back cause our front 7 is SOLID!
    3. Our secondary isn't bad but hope is getting old and we need to find a replacement.
    4. We need a better center and LG cause that was where we struggled!
    5. Bring Moss back and play him and Britt as our starters! Release Gage and Hawkins...they are dead weight! Also play Mariani as WR cause it's obvious he can be a play maker!
    6. Scaife is pretty much done but Cook is gonna be the next Gates! He has serious talent!
    7.Bring Hall back he is a leader on this team!

    As far as the draft
    1. Got to address the QB situation! I say Newton or Mallet
    I want a CB or DT but we have to address the big picture!
    2. DT or CB

    We dont really need a CB cause we have 3 solid guys

    LANGSTER Pro Bowler

    Don't know how Hawkins is dead weight? Everytime I see him get a chance he makes a play! Fisher could cut hope and play his boy Donnie Nickey, lets cut his he is dead weight!

    Fisher says Moss and Britt cannot play together because they play the same position.

    Cook is another player that fisher must not like. Scaife is terrible but I started to like stevens this year.

    Rest of your post is dead on, I would have kept blount over Hall or Nickey though.
  6. steverife

    steverife Pro Bowler


    I agree. He had more catches and yards than DeSean Jackson their last year at Cal. He is also surprisingly good at special teams. I feel terrible for him because I truly feel like he would be a productive receiver if he wasn't saddled with this team.
  7. MSIJustice

    MSIJustice Camp Fodder

    Donnie Nickey is Horrible! I would much rather keep hope! But i guess give Hawk a chance he is still young! But idk why fisher would put Britt and Moss on the field at the same time...that is a mistake! They both need to play! We have needed good WR for the longest time and now that we have them they dont wanna play them...makes me scratch my head!
    I would have kept blount too cause we needed a big back but Oh well cant get rid of Hall though
  8. HeadOnASwivel

    HeadOnASwivel Pro Bowler

    So are you a noob to the message board or to the Titans altogether, because it sounds like you may be both?

    The reason people have entertained the idea of trading CJ is because the Titans do not have a great track record in regards to paying their players top money to stay with the team. So, basically, when CJ becomes an un-restricted free agent we won't match other offers. So why not trade him now, why he still has value, if we're going to lose him in a couple of years anyway?

    If we get big Al back he'll complain and then the injuries will start, he's an enormous pile of chewed bubble gum and he'd be a locker room cancer.

    Tully is one of our best players, you've got to be kidding me? The guy is generally around the ball but he always gets there a split second late. He makes a lot of tackles... five yards downfield. Oh, he's god awful in coverage as well.

    You're right about Hope but the secondary, as a whole, blows. Finny has had his worst season as a pro. The entire secondary plays some sort of passive cover 4... thanks Cecil.

    Draft Newton, that's great, VY version 2.0 who will have to be taught how to read defenses. Newton is a one trick pony, his offense is a zone read concept and he doesn't know how to go through progressions or anticipate routes.

    Please name our 3 "solid" corners. Surely you're not referring to Finny, McCourtey, and Verner?

    How long have you been a fan of the Titans, because it sounds like you have no clue.

    LANGSTER Pro Bowler

    I will say this for Finny, Verner, and McCourtey, they seem to struggle in zone coverage more than man. Strange we play so much zone, when our players do not do it well. Our safeties are more of a problem than the corners.

    BTW, Vandy's new coach was on 104.5 yesterday. I know nothing about this guy, but I was impressed! They asked him what offense and defense he was going to run. "I need to see what kind of players we have first. I am not going to try and put a square peck in a round hole!"

    Jeff does that all the time.
  10. GeronimoJackson

    GeronimoJackson Brainwashed by the Left. Now I am free.

    Fall out of love with the Double TE. Have CJ work on his hands this off-season and design more screens for him.

    Maybe actually throw it on third and over 10 every eclipse. I swear, Stevie Wonder could see the draw coming.

    The d-line stays healthy, Jason Jones needs to be a full time player and Jacob Ford needs to get more snaps.

    Post flyers, lots of them: "Linebacker Help Wanted - Can start immediately". Hope McRath spends an extra 10 minutes in the weight room.

    Hope: Mike Griff returns to 08 beast mode, Finnegan drops the "nice guy" act and becomes aggressive again, sign a veteran proven corner, and at least give Myron Rolle a solemn look if there isn't a worthy strong safety on the market.
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