VY texts Fisher...

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by SARGO127, Nov 24, 2010.

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  1. Ewker

    Ewker Starter

    this sounds like some guy who had a fight with his gf and texting her his apology...what a wuss Young is
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  2. MJTitans

    MJTitans Chris Whitley look him up

    BTW I'm enjoying the irony of having this discussion on an anonymous message board... Continue on
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  3. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    The problem with Vince has always been that he knows the right things to say after the fact, but he doesn't know how to act when he's in the heat of the moment. When the going gets tough, his true colors show.

    No text can change that fact.
  4. VY2CJ=TD

    VY2CJ=TD Camp Fodder

    Young needs to give it up here, forget apologizing. Emotions happen and everyone needs to move on. I know I dont apologize for everything I say at work.
  5. Ewker

    Ewker Starter

    how does he text with a messed up thumb..is he texting with one hand :ha:
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  6. The_Jerr83

    The_Jerr83 Camp Fodder

    So how is he suppose to apologize when he is not welcome in the facility. Fisher probably didn't answer his call too, so he can text him and have everybody bash him for texting his apology.

    Fisher should apologize to him and the fans for bringing his career down, and not putting the best team on the field every sunday because his ego can't handle it.
  7. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    I was going to say that he has touch screen. I don't text with my thumb on my Droid but then I realized he tweets with a Blackberry and they as far as I know don't have a touch screens. Sooooooooooo your question is valid.
  8. MJTitans

    MJTitans Chris Whitley look him up

    Sweet if he txted an apology to Fisher typing with his middle finger
    • High Five High Five x 2
  9. lilkhmerkid4u

    lilkhmerkid4u Somebody Saveeeeeee Meee!

    "What's going on in this thread, guys?"

  10. erut07

    erut07 Camp Fodder

    Vince has been in Houston since yesterday. He tried to go to the facilities on Monday, maybe he wanted to apologize face-to-fact then. You guys are acting like he is taking the cowards way out, but I don't remember guys like Pac Man and Haynesworth apologizing. It at least shows he wants to remain dedicated to the team.

    And last I checked, he did nothing to contribute to the teams most recent loss. Other than being a distraction for a couple days, which is bad anyway you look at it, he hasn't done anything to prevent the team from winning. Considering the owners take on the situation, it is probably in the team's best interests for Fisher to do his best to work with Young on moving past all this.
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