Nobody is getting fired (Bud speaks on VY/Fisher)

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Nov 22, 2010.

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  1. Anthony4Titans

    Anthony4Titans Starter

    Bud is a senile ole fart who has a man crush on an immature, pampered diva. What coach would not be upset at an owner who backs an immature brat over his own coach. You could see the anger in Fisher's eyes in that presser and I can't say I blame him much. I think he was mad at his boss for undermining his authority and not allowing him to do what he is paid to do. Bud has to be one of the worst owners in the NFL
  2. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    I think there's a lot of reading into Bud's comments when all he was doing is buying time. He knew Young was going to IR. He knows the likelihood of a strike next year for part or all of the season seems certain.

    A 5-5 coach coming off an 8-8 season shouldn't necessarily trump the guy he's invested five years and millions into who is just now showing promise.

    I know many of you won't agree but I see this as Bud keeping all his options open.
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  3. Vigsted

    Vigsted Starter

    Agree 100%. Bud Adams may be old, but he doesn't seem to have lost his marbles. He knows that nothing good will come of doing anything until after the season is over.
  4. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    Someone yesterday said Bud should have said "we'll deal with this issue AFTER the season" and not say anything. Guess what would have happened? Every player on the team would be asked if they thought Vince was gone REPEATEDLY for the rest of the season. Fisher would have been asked about it REPEATEDLY for the rest of the season. No one would have been happy with the "deal with it after the season" direction. Bud looks mamby-pamby (<-- old dude word :tj:) if he doesn't address it.

    I do think Bud could have said Young would have been suspended if he wasn't headed to IR but the questions about Young's future would have still been asked REPEATEDLY until something was said.

    If you are going to release Vince for what he did, you do it immediately. If that's what happens, then the Titans probably only have Rusty Smith on the roster at QB heading into the off-season. Options are limited. Regardless of how you feel about Vince and whether he is franchise QB material, he's serviceable. You can go into the game with him as the starter and have a reasonable shot at winning. So the Titans are either forced to give up a ton for someone's backup or give up a ton to move up in the draft to get a QB or hope someone is there when they pick.

    For all we know, the Titans will target a future QB this off-season but they, at least, have options.

    If Fisher was in year two of a five-year contract coming off a playoff season, I think this is handled differently.
  5. AEC Titan

    AEC Titan Camp Fodder

    When Jeff Fisher signed his contract extension after the 2006 season he knew full well who the quarterback of the future was for the Titans...He signed a contract that in essence said he would work with that quarterback and bring a championship to Bud Adams and Nashville...That has failed to materialize and what the head coach has done is refused to put the team's best product on the field....You have a quarterback that had the highest quarterback rating in the league and he is not on the field? Instead you opt for a 37 year old qb with an injured finger throwing horribly and you leave him out there for 1/2 of a game that you clearly should have won....

    Seems to me Jeff Fisher owes Adams and Titans fans an explanation on his refusal to field the teams' best players to win games....Bud Adams and Titans fans should demand results.:brow: 17 years and no champioships?
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    Bud is awesome :)

    Kinda reminds me of when i was 19 my boss fired me for being late to work all the time and his boss told him "If you fire him, i'm going to fire you" :)
  7. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    We gotta get rid of Fisher. We're not going to win a championship with Fisher. Vince Young was not, and has not been the guy holding us back. Maybe part of his sophomore season, but no other time than that.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  8. SoCalTitan867

    SoCalTitan867 Starter

    Hey Guys,

    New member to the board here, very happy have found this site. Being in California there isn't a whole lot of Titans fans so it's nice to be able to find some people to talk with!

    Anyway with that all aside let me say that I was raised an Oilers fan and have been with this team ever since. I have to say I don't see a whole lot to be optimistic about for the rest of the season. If you look at it, Cecil and Dinger are the big winners here. The whole VY/Fisher/Bud situation completely overshadowed the fact that our team is playing lousy defense and the offensive play calling is absurd. No, I probably could not do any better, however, I watch a lot of football and it doesn't take an expert to see we are flat out being outcoached every week.

    As for Rusty, I wish him well. But I have serious doubts about a QB that comes from a punching bag school. Time will tell the tale on that one. I think my biggest concern is that CJ will be run into the ground the same way George was and will have a shorter career than most think. I don't question his toughness, but one can only do so much. Hopefully Britt gets healthy soon so he can get back into the fold, I think we all know Moss won't be a Titan next year. We wont pay him and I'm sure he has seen enough at this point to not return. Anyway, hoping for the best. Go Titans!
  9. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    What a classy poster. :sad2:

    Let's kill an 87 year old wealthy successful business man and grandfather who gave service in the US Navy during WW2 because DBC doesn't like the QB he chose.
  10. chamgel2

    chamgel2 Starter

    It may be time for Fisher to go, but no coach is going to win with VY at QB. You cannot have a QB that wilts when adversity hits, you need one that is going to stand up and punch it in the mouth. VY has shown time and time again he is not that guy.
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