Fisher # 3 in Best Coaches list

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by avvie, Sep 5, 2010.

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  1. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    Sure. Two of those teams have actually won the Super Bowl, which is all that I would view as mattering in a larger sense.

    As I've said in other threads and posts, I understand criticisms of Fisher. I know that some people don't care about consistency and competitiveness if they feel, for whatever reason, that they have "a shot" at a Super Bowl. I feel differently, and feel that we've had several great chances under Fisher, but I know I'm not going to convince the other side, so I'm happy to let it be. I was merely addressing the post that put out there that Fisher was an example of a coach who had a lot of sub-500 seasons.
  2. dbc5631

    dbc5631 Starter

    The Saints, Rams and Bucs have not won more games than the Titans since they've been in Nashville. Sure, they all caught lightning in a bottle for a season to win a championship but two of them had Hall of Fame QB's and the Bucs had a great defense and peaked in January. Their coach was fired not long after so that tells you how much the organization thought about him. No teams are beating at his door to hire him either.

    If it's all about winning the SB lets just put the coaches in order of how many SB's they've won and there's nothing to debate.

    As for market size you are wrong. For example, A little more than a decade ago the revenue gap between NFL teams in big and small cities was less than $10 million. Now it's more than $100 million. Teams are required to spend over 60% of their income on players and although the New York teams have no problem doing so teams like Buffalo have to sacrifice by hiring cheaper coaches, scouts, etc. They have bad stadiums and so on. This article is a couple of years old but it will help you understand why it's harder for small market teams to compete. It's even more so today.
    Think about players. Where would CJ be more marketable, DC or Nashville? Why do we all have the feeling Johnson will bolt at the end of his contract? Is it that Bud Adams won't pay him? Daniel Snyder is making 5 to 10 times the profit Adams is. That's the reason they could throw all that money at Haynesworth and still have multi millions more in the bank than the Titans. Adams wants to make a profit and he wants to win. Where's the line?
  3. dbc5631

    dbc5631 Starter

    Who are these winning teams? What determines a winning team, taking a teams record since Fisher's been coach of the Titans?
    You might want to check Fishers record against 2 time SB Champ Pittsburgh.
  4. Deuce Wayne



    Jeff Fisher wouldn't have won more than 3 games in Buffalo.

    Your record talks only allows us to see how many times Jeff Fisher has FAILED over and over and ruined good teams.
  5. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    Fisher/Titans own pissburgH
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    OK but small market teams win the Superbowl all the time and I'm not even counting Indianapolis with Manning.
  7. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    I think its funny when you turn on ESPN and they proclaim Jeff Fisher to be a top tier NFL coach and in the same breath, say that the titans will go 8-8. Top Tier coaches don't go 8-8...
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


    According to this list the titans had higher revenues than either the Jets or the Giants. So how are we small market then?

    I'm not sure why the redskins revenue numbers were so distorted but other then them the revenue numbers seem similar for most teams.

    I hate the whole small market BS i think it is stupid. For all but one year of our history in Nashville we have played with a salary cap that limits how much a team can spend.

    We have a draft that rewards weaker teams with higher picks so how does it matter what size market you think we are? The titans have always been middle of the pack for franchise value and make about $25M in profit.

    I think it is a worthless issue.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Bill Cowher went 8-8 or worse 4 times. Bill Parcells went 8-8 or worse 6 times with 3 9-7 teams.

    Those guys are hall of fame coaches.

    Your sidekick gloat thinks that Greg Williams with his 35% winning percentage is a much better coach than Fisher. Of course had Fisher not made him his DC Williams might still be coaching linebackers.
  10. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    It does? It proves that fisher is a superior coach to Greg Williams.

    I could get better analysis from my son's first grade class. I'm serious!

    Williams had 3 seasons to turn the team into a winner and failed. He had his defensive system, a decent QB in Bledsoe, Travis Henry was his RB and Eric Moulds in his prime was their top WR. There was enough talent to win half his games.

    What good teams did Fisher ruin? Come on with some more ignorant drivel. One of the things Jeff fisher has proven he can do is win when he has excellent talent. 3 13-3, a 12-4 team proves that.

    To be painfully polite you have no clue at all what you are talking about.
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