To Griffin and Hope

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by razordaman, Nov 15, 2009.

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  1. razordaman

    razordaman Starter

    Please stop biting on pump fakes and play action while wrs go running by you. Your really ruining a good defensive effort out there. I'm tired of seeing diagrams of what Griffin did wrong in every game. Other than those two I think we played great..At least we know Fisher would have punted tonight..
    • High Five High Five x 2
  2. Titanium

    Titanium TITANFN Staff

    Griff has really been disappointing this season. It baffles me at how badly he's played this year.
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  3. Gene the PIG

    Gene the PIG I'm Winning The Future

    Yes. High five!

    If they don't get it together for next weekend, yikes.
  4. Vigsted

    Vigsted Starter

    Add Finnegan to the list.

    Looks like our DB's are keying a little too much on the run.
  5. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    deeper then that...griffin looks scared to tackle out there, and hope is just missing tackles.
  6. eds clothing

    eds clothing Camp Fodder

    Man I don't no what happen to our safety's they look lost this is what scare me against the Texans.
  7. cld12pk2go

    cld12pk2go Starter

    I am wondering who we could replace Griff with for a game so he can get his head on straight (other than Donnie Nickey).

    For someone who was expected by many to be Ed Reed v2.0 starting this year, he has been the most disappointing Titan IMHO.
  8. TBC_titan

    TBC_titan Camp Fodder

    Don't worry. In addition to Whiffin's sub par performance this year, we have Harper's return to look forward to next week.
    Anyone on here who does NOT think that Fisher will automatically put Harper back in the starting spot over Hood?
    If he does start Harper back in place of Hood, it will be a bigger travesty than him keeping Mouton in to return punts.
  9. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    Griffin has struggled. I've heard some whispers about him having some really serious personal issues he's been dealing with. I think he even hinted at it in a interview or something. I'll tell you what, I know than man can be a elite safety in this league! Strange how he's played, but I believe in him, and have no doubt he will get back to the level he was playing at last year. Hope that happens soon!
  10. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    The problem is the same problem we've been having all season. They are still being coached to attack the first break which is why they and Finny and everyone else have been moved out of position by pump fakes. It worked last year because most of the time if you had a 5 step drop with playaction and pump faked, the QB was on his back or being hit while throwing the ball. When teams have a little success running and then go playaction with max protect, they have time to eat a sandwich and pump fake which our secondary is biting on every time. They need to change their coaching philosophy and recognize that when the QB has a long drop and max protect, they need to stay back.

    Cecil needs to get his best pass rushers on the field for EVERY 3rd and long play...Ford, Brown, Jones, and Hayes and mix up the coverages. The Titans love to play cover 2 zone but it's been eaten up on every max protect playaction pass going deep. And it's not like Edwards was threading a needle, I could have hit TO on that pass since he had at least 5 yards on Hope.

    With a better pass rush, you can be more aggressive as seen in the Bengals game. Is their back 4 better than ours? No. But they had a lot more pressure on Ben so they had a lot of trouble beating that D. If you can get heat bringing 4 DL, they secondary looks very good!

    The Titans need to play more man coverage on 3rd and medium/short and more 3 deep/combination coverages on 3rd and long but give a cover 2 look (and not tip it off like Griff was doing against the Colts).

    • High Five High Five x 1
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