The Remaining Schedule, and how we'll finish

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Lava, Oct 5, 2009.

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  1. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    There's a simple fact. No one except maybe Deion can cover for 4-7 seconds. How does KVB getting single blocked all day and not getting any pressure fall on Cecil? Just for example.

    Our DE's are getting no pressure which has led to teams killing our secondary (beyond the blown coverages). Add those 2 things together and what would you have Cecil do? Losing Haynesworth has had a gigantic effect on our pass rush and has changed how our entire defense works....or doesn't work.

  2. jessestylex

    jessestylex DeadGirlsCantSayNo

    yep without Haynesworth our DLine is no better than the Lions IMO. we have no play makers up front now. KVB was over rated cause Haynesworth demanded double teams.

    Jason Jones is a big body but he doesn't have the fire Haynesworth had. We going to need a Jared Allen or something to get back on track.
  3. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    I don't think that we have a chance against Peyton or Brady. They will eat us up all day long. After going 0-6 into the bye week, our season is lost. We would have to win out to even have a chance but I don't see 9 wins getting you the wild card this year.

    I wanna see us kick things into gear and beat both the Colts and the Pats, but easier said than done.
  4. djones51

    djones51 Rookie

    I dont see us beating the Colts or Patriots. At 0-6, all we are playin for is a draft pick so why not put Vince and everybody else you would be curious about keeping in but i think its obvious now that lendale, KVB and bulluck are gone when free agency starts.
  5. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    It works both ways, IMO. Garrard made a number of throws Sunday with a DL in his face.

    What I am also seeing in addition to an inconsistent rush is the QB using a three-step and firing the ball out to a wide-open WR 15 yards down field. No DE in the league is going to get to the QB often in 2 1/2 or 3 seconds.

    The QB is throwing to a space and, because there is little to no contact on the WR, timing routes are working. I'm not putting all this on Cecil because Schwartz did it too but Harper isn't fast enough to stay with many WRs and Griffin doesn't seem to be as quick closing the gaps.
  6. eTitan81

    eTitan81 Touchdown Titans

    We'll finish 12-4 just as I predicted a few weeks ago.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    I didn't say you were easy to beat, just in the easiest category compared to other teams. And yes, the Jags cleaned our clock last game!

  8. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    But to shut that down means bringing corners closer and being more agressive in jumping routes...which is exactly what killed us vs the Steelers and Texans because when teams pump faked us, they were wide open and had plenty of time to deliver the ball. So it's not that I expect KVB to beat his guy and hit the QB in 2 1/2 secs, it's that Cecil is backing people off to prevent big plays down the field because we can't get pressure on deep routes or when the offense wants to use double or triple move patterns which take a longer time to develop. He's trying to protect the secondary.

    And with the mistakes that have been made, everyone seems tentaive so they don't make a mistake. As a result, no one's fired up and no one's aggressively going after the ball. In that TD catch over the middle, there were 3 of 4 Titans and yet the receiver caught the ball and ran a few more yards into the endzone.

  9. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    I still don't believe that we miss Haynesworth as much as most think. Our defense as a whole just isn't playing tough and smart like it did last year. Teams have adjusted to us and exposed our weaknesses. So I can't blame it all on Cecil.

    We've just got to get it together. Garrard has always given us fits and as mentioned they just totally threw us a curve. It seemed as though our D was shocked that they were going to pass the ball. Sure we contained the run, but they torched us in the air. I have never understood why we line up our DBs so far off the WRs. It just doesn't make any sense. We get burnt every time.
  10. lateknight

    lateknight Master Opinionist

    Actually I really could see 10-6 with VY, I see 4-12 with Kerry.

    We have problems on Defense. That being said, alot could be cured by us having longer offensive drives. I won't post them again because they make me sick but if you don't know go look at the drive summary from the Jaguars game over on ESPN. It's horrible and on any other team there would not be a question as to whether or not another qb was going to get a shot at this point. Kerry's accuracy and decision making is horrendous and if it wasn't for the short dumps to TE his completion percentage would be in the crapper as well. We have abandoned the two back run game for some reason. We can't expose other teams middle rush late in games with the short screen middle of field play because Kerry is not mobile enough for us to allow the line through so as to setup the wall. His handoffs on draw plays are extremely telegraphed which make them for the most part non effective as well. I say all this to say that even with our d problems we wouldn't have been out of any of these games if we would have had more efficient offensive production. Now if you love Kerry blame it on Dinger. If you love Dinger blame it on Kerry. I personally think Kerry sucks and Dinger is stale at best which is why I advocate Vince so that when things break down in this toiletbowl of an offensive scheme our qb will have enough mobility to buy more time.
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