Just thinking

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by tdo_52, Aug 28, 2009.

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  1. tdo_52

    tdo_52 Camp Fodder

    about our slow start on offense and why we really haven't got the ball moving on the gound yet...

    Then I watched this video and got fired up and I mean fired UP!

    People don't count this kid out we have a star! I'm sure of it!!!!


    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I'm always excited to see a C.J. highlight reel, but that's all last seasons work. Now teams make sure they know who Chris Johnson is, and what he's all about. Not that I think he's going to have a sophomore slump, but he might not get the numbers we all thought at first. I know this much though; he will take us into the playoffs, maybe not with 1,500 rushing yards though. But certainly with some amazing rushes.

    I wouldn't draw any concrete conclusions til after the first couple of series in the first couple of games.
  3. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    Our offense hasn't gotten started because we haven't played a real game yet.

    Don't believe what you see in preseason.
  4. PBV

    PBV Camp Fodder

    Agreed. I'll take an underperforming preseason CJ and LenDesiel, over a lights out monster producing injured CJ and LenDesiel.
  5. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    Definitely a slow start. None of our offensive players looked very good against the Cowboys. I know that everyone keeps saying that we haven't game-planned yet but still we looked horrible. We looked like a bunch of jokers imitating football players out there.

    I took a lot of heat by all those great Cowboy fans. I almost got into a couple of fights over it. Luckily there was a couple of Titan fans sitting behind me. These Cowboy fans wouldn't shut up and they dogged Kerry and Vince badly. I then shut them all up by saying "It's ok y'all got this one. But y'all still have to play the Eagles, Giants and Redskins twice a year."

    The one they really loved was how great of a regular season Romo is. I went on to say that we'll check back in with them in December and see what they say then.
  6. DCMobInc

    DCMobInc R.I.P Air McNair #9

    He made that 40 yard dash look EASY!!
  7. jessestylex

    jessestylex DeadGirlsCantSayNo

    I now welcome teams to bring 8.
  8. Yossarian

    Yossarian I am Him.

    I always loved that highlight video. His little hip juke vs. the Bengals at :28 was just sick.
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