How about KC v VY for starter?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Gut, Aug 17, 2009.

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  1. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    It's called a reality check!:cool:

    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. earlers

    earlers Camp Fodder

    IF you remember the knock on the Titans in that super bowl was that they couldn't throw the ball down the field. A lot of 6 yard Wycheck passes.
  3. earlers

    earlers Camp Fodder

    People seem to forget that many favored O'Donnell over Steve in his 5th season.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

    No, I don't want to bash Young. I do however refuse to believe he's the next great QB just because he wears two tone blue. I was simply responding to a topic in a thread. I saw something inaccurate, and wanted to discuss it.

    Why in the hell would you assume that because I choose not to comment on something, that I disagree with it? What you said about Kerry looked proportional. Nothing new to add. Nothing to argue. Why would I comment on it? Yeah, you better leave my perceptions to me. They are based on reality, and I want to keep it that way.

    The rest of that post is hilarious. First thing, I'm not saying 100% that Hawkins ran the correct route. I am saying whether he did or not, we all know he had to say he did to protect Young from the media. You seem to be under the impression that I am implying that Hawkins took it upon himself to lie to protect Young. I assure you, that's not the case.

    The rest is just someone trying really really hard to justify one of the ugliest interceptions I've ever seen. You know what the correct play was? Take the sack or get rid of the ball. We saw Collins in that same situation last week, and he took the sack. Why in blue hell are you trying to convince people that Vince did the right thing?
  5. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    I think they were more off the money than you do but whatever. He also couldn't run at all.

    Again, because Young needs to show some sort of progression and the only time he should play is the pre season and so far I'm not seeing "franchise QB" written on Young.

    Collins can do wrong but it's not a huge deal. I've seen Collins do well on this team, I haven't seen Young really tear it up like he was drafted to do.

    No. I'm saying pre season isn't as important for established players. Shaun Hill of the 49ers who played well last year threw 2 passes in his pre season game, again, established players stars or not, don't need to play as much or do exceptionally well.

    Yea but that didn't happen.

    Better pre season numbers? Wow, who cares? He's also playing more.

    I agree but he wasn't a turnover machine last year and the year before that Young was.

    Well Young has never had a season where he threw more TD passes than interceptions.

    But you knew what I meant. But I could make the argument that no player on this team hurt this team more or played worse than Young did 2 years ago.

    Yards don't equal get you points, TD do.

    Why is 80 some magic number? But you know what, you DO cherry pick stats. Lets look at the games Collins had a rating under 80.

    Houston- He still had a solid game and we crushed them anyway.
    Minnesota- Still didn't turn the ball over.
    Baltimore- Horrible game yes but WHEN IT MATTERED who led the comeback?
    Indianapolis- His passer rating this game was 77.9, nothing to complain about. Again no turnovers this game.
    Green Bay- Still no interceptions and we still won.
    Cleveland- 2 Picks yes but we were never in danger of losing this game, also had 2 TD passes.
    Houston- Chalk this up to a bad game I guess.
    Indianapolis- Here's the best cherry picked stat of all, HE THREW 2 PASSES THIS GAME!

    And before you bring up the Ravens game, we had enough offense to win, White and Crumpler, Bironas and the refs hurt us greatly.

    He also throws a lot of 7 or 8 yard strikes down the field. You wont find a stat for this but it's just something you see when you watch Young and Collins play.

    Well he's good enough to start now and yes I do expect more of a player in his 4th years (not a rookie, where did you get that?) taken 3rd overall than a journeyman QB.

    Nonsense. McNair's first couple a years you could see how good he was going to be and he never got worse like Young seems to be. He also never quit on the team or spouted stupidity or showed incredible immaturity.

    There's college great and pro great. Vince Young and Matt Leinart were college great and generally college great doesn't equal pro great. Matt Ryan wasn't college great but he's looking like he's pro great. There's things you have to look for in a college player, Vince doesn't have pro intangibles. Bad throwing motion, poor footwork, and poor accuracy. All of which are easily overlooked in college but are highlighted in the pros. Hell even Young's biggest strength which was his feet aren't much of a factor in the pros.

    Who cares about 20 TD passes? You look too much into stats, stop it. McNair won games, and he actually WON them, unlike Vince who happened to be the starting QB when we would win games. He was also a warrior on the field who would never quit on the team. McNair never had pretty numbers which unfortunately I think will result in him not being in the HOF, but he got the job done. I mean just watch the Superbowl, I've never seen anyone try harder yet fail to win a game in all my life.

    You want to give Vince more time. OK how much more time? Jay Cutler, Trent Edwards, Jamarcus Russell, and Matt Ryan have all passed Young up so why keep waiting on him?

    You said it.
  6. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee


    Why would a starting QB say he doesn't know the offense? Do you really believe he could learn an NFL playbook in two weeks? Do you really believe he could have his timing down with his WR's in two weeks. If you do, come see me, and bring cash.

    And no, you didn't give me what I asked for. You simply cherry picked more stats. If you asked someone for a dollar, and they ripped one in half and gave half to you, you likely wouldn't agree they gave you what you asked for. That's what you did. You took the seasons I suggested, and cherry picked the stats you wanted from them.

    IMO, Collins has a much better chance to be average than Young has, and I feel like with no better options obvious, average is good enough for this team currently. Young is a boom or bust type player IMO. Unfortunately, he's been mostly bust. That doesn't mean I don't give him a chance. I'm still waiting for him to excel. Until then, I want the offense in better hands, even if those hands happen to be average.
  7. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

  8. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    So Gut for a guy who enjoys the play of pre season so much how did you enjoy Young and Collins?
  9. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


  10. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Going back to last preseason vince young has had 8 games with at least 8 pass attempts. He has played well in one of those 8 games.

    His passing rating this preseason is about the same as last years regular season 65.

    In those 8 games he has had only one game(Bucs) where he generated over 6 yards a pass attempt, 7 is the the league average.

    And while vince has done better with sacks this preason he gets sacked once every 12.6 pass attempts. That's 2.5 sacks a game when kerry only gets sacked once every 2 games.

    This is not about one game that vince had that was statistically bad but could have been good. He has not been consistently up to par in this offense.
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