Vince Young: Reports Of His Career Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by earlers, Aug 7, 2009.

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  1. earlers

    earlers Camp Fodder

  2. Blazing Arrow

    Blazing Arrow The 12th man

    Was this guy actually wearing Young's Rose Bowl jock over his mouth when he wrote this??!!

    That article is the biggest steaming pile of cow pie I have ever read. Not only that but his yammering goes on for 9 pages!
  3. From-the-stands

    From-the-stands Starter

    The Bleacher report will let anyone write an article for them. LITERALLY anyone.
  4. Blazing Arrow

    Blazing Arrow The 12th man

    So a 71 QB rating and an 80 QB rating are basically the same? :rolleyes:

    A healthy Collins vs a hobbling VY. More like a wobbling VY. He totally over looks the 10 additional INTs that Young threw and the 2 additional fumbles for loss. Not to mention Young was sacked 25 times vs Collins 8. Yeah basically the same player but Young gets the nod because he managed to get an additional 216 yards on (not to mention the writer does some interesting rounding). Hmmm would you rather have an extra 216 yards or 12 less turnovers. Boy that is a tough one to think out. :suspect:
  5. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    The biggest rap on Young is his inconsistency. For every nice throw he has he throws a couple at the WRs feet. Occasionally he throws a strike to a defender. Even when he hits his own WR it is often where the WR can't get yardage after the catch because his body is so contorted he is lucky to not pop a testicle making the catch.

    Add into that VY's mental health issues. Collins came in and rescued the team from a disaster at QB of the like not before seen in NFL history. Has a QB ever broken down like VY did?

    Is VY done? No not yet but if he stinks up the place in the pre-season he will be.
  6. Blazing Arrow

    Blazing Arrow The 12th man

    At one point the writer says Travis Henry basically sucked on our team. Chris Brown had character issues and was our starter. He says L White is lucky to be on a team oh and we had no talent on our team in 2007.

    I want to join the site just to make this guy look like a boob.
  7. MJTitans

    MJTitans Chris Whitley look him up

    He went waaaay overboard, but his basic premise is right - the perception of VY's future is probably very different from inside BSP than outside. The Titans know they rushed him in before he was ready. The fans know it. The media knows it. So now, the only people who have really seen VY play for close to a year and a half are people inside the organization. The rest of us have been left with divining meaning in every comment he's made, analyzing every nose wipe, analyzing the reporters analysis of every throw in practice... Has he improved? Has he matured? Not much of what we've seen has given us the hope he'll live up to his potential, but some has recently. And none of it is worth much. Until he gets on the field again we only have the nose wipes and practice reports to go on.

    He's also right that the offense and defense Vince had as a starter was pretty different from this one. I like Kerry as the starter this year, but I'm hoping to see enough from Vince in preseason to believe he could win the job in a year or 2. I think he could - I have no idea if he will.
    • High Five High Five x 1

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    GREAT article! Gerald Ball is absolutely 110% right. He needs to get a real job somewhere, obviously not Chicago or Los Angeles. I have said many of those things before and if this guy got that article published somewhere bigger he would be considered smart. Wow that man hit the nail right on the head.
  9. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    Can't we just make "The Official VY Thread" and post everything about him (good or bad) on there and have people discuss him only in that very thread?
  10. From-the-stands

    From-the-stands Starter

    He's certainly preaching to the Vince Young choir, LOL!
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