Superbowl Game Thread

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Carpy, Feb 1, 2009.

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  1. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    jeff fisher and co. should take notice: the difference in this game for both teams were play making wide receivers.
  2. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    Harrison is a cheating ****bag.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. Carpy

    Carpy Disgruntled foreign veteran

    Squeelers suck
  4. PhiSlammaJamma

    PhiSlammaJamma Critical Possession

    McCareins had his season high tonight. 0 catches.
  5. psychotictitan

    psychotictitan Its About That Time...

    I have three things to say about that game:

    1.Great game
    2.Unbelievable catch by Holmes
    3.Cards should of went to Fitz early in the game
  6. eTitan81

    eTitan81 Touchdown Titans

    i was thinking the same thing. i think willie parker had the most rushing yards and that was only 53. dont get me wrong i'm not trying to say we need to become a passing team, i love our running game but look at what some great wr's could add to our running game
  7. avvie

    avvie It's another cold day in Hell Tip Jar Donor

    It seemed like the entire game was through the air... crazy!
  8. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    on a side note, the commercials were weak.

    i liked jason statham's audi commercial and the one second "HIGHLIFE!"
  9. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    Took the words right out of my mouth. The NFL has evolved over the years, and a SOLID, not adequate, passing attack is a necessary part of a successful team. Look back at the past 10 Super Bowl winners:

    09-Steelers- led by the heroics of Santonio Holmes
    08- Giants- The name Tyree ring a bell? How about Burress (pre self-influcted bullet wound)
    07-Colts- I hate the Colts
    06-Steelers- Hines Ward MVP
    05- Patriots- If Tom Brady is on the team, the passing attack is SOLID
    04- Patriots- Brady.
    03- Bucs- They won with defensive play. Dexter Jackson (I think) was the MVP as a safety with 2 picks, though they did have Keyshawn and Keenan McCardell.
    02- Patriots- Whats that dudes name again? #12?
    01- Ravens- Defense. The only team on this list who just had no passing game at all
    00- Do I really have to say? The greatest show on turf

    As this chart illustrates, all but 1 of the past 10 Super Bowl winning teams had a passing game that was well above average. Jeff Fisher is an old school coach, defense and clock management. He EXCELS at coaching those types of teams. However, eventually he is going to have to conform to the trend here and get a play making receiver and a QB who can get him the ball. We have that QB right now, but we won't have him for long. If we can UPGRADE this part of our arsenal, we will be OUTSTANDING. CJ AND LENDALE would both DOMINATE if we had a receiver who demanded double coverage and/ or 2 deep safeties. You simply can not hang with a hot team who can throw the ball unless you can air it out yourself.

    As for the game tonight, I was absolutely satisfied. That was football at its finest, 106 players doing whatever it took to win. Late game drama and points always makes for a thriller. Congratulations to the Steelers, we kicked your a$ses in week 16 and you're lucky that was the last time you saw us.
  10. avvie

    avvie It's another cold day in Hell Tip Jar Donor

    Yeah, that and knowing the entire Raider offensive playbook. Lynch said that the game played out exactly the way Gruden walked it through with them during rehearsals. Having not had that kind of opportunity again, see: Gruden unemployed.

    Otherwise, i agree with you completely.
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