Is LenDale White helping or hurting this team?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TheSureThing, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Helping

    63 vote(s)
  2. Hurting

    9 vote(s)
  3. Neutral

    12 vote(s)
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  1. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    I'm not buying it, I understand where your coming from and see your point, but I just think this is one of the most overrated positions in football, and It would be a shame for White to be paid any more then he is now for it.
  2. psychotictitan

    psychotictitan Its About That Time...

    I find it funny that someone would even start such a thread. Lendale Has been a vital part of this offense whether sum of you want to believe it or not. He played all 16 games last year depite being hurt and put up decent numbers considering it was his 1st year carrying the load. We get a guy whos lightning in a bottle and sum of you wana burn him out and we're not even halfway through the season yet. I would like to have a healthy CJ around for the playoffs along with lendale. We're 4-0 leave it alone,
  3. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    i don't think anyone is disputing lendale is a good short yardage and goal line back, my problem is when we use him between the 20s.

    1-10-MIN 45 (14:02) 25-L.White right tackle to MIN 43 for 2 yards (69-J.Allen, 90-F.Evans).
    1-10-TEN 20 (4:00) 25-L.White right guard to TEN 21 for 1 yard (51-B.Leber).
    2-9-TEN 21 (3:28) 25-L.White up the middle to TEN 24 for 3 yards (26-A.Winfield, 52-C.Greenway).
    2-5-TEN 45 :)20) 25-L.White right tackle to TEN 45 for no gain (69-J.Allen, 94-P.Williams).
  4. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    Agreed 100%. I would + Rep you but It won't let me :(
  5. Ubiq

    Ubiq BAMF

    The Titans are 4-0 guys!!! There's no room for improvement on this team!!! Just go ahead and hand us the Lombardi!!

    You people sound like robots that can't think outside the box. In terms of ypc, LenDale is the worst RB in the NFL. I think he is holding the potential of this offense back, but if you all think 2.7 ypc is sufficient then that's fine. :rolleyes:

    At MOST, he should be getting 3-4 carries a game.

    CJ: 18-20
    *Someone not named LenDale*: 8-10
    LenDale: 3-4, for 3 yards.
  6. KingTitan

    KingTitan aka CRONUS

    Isn't this just one game's info, and against a good defense? :eh?: Look at the film, would you say LenDale had opportunity to do better behind our OL? :hmm: CJ only had 61 yds - it was a tough game for RBs.
  7. guitarjunkie

    guitarjunkie We're Screwed...

    WAIT, hold up a minute, I must be missing something here...

    Did Lendale leave home without his phone, and show up at LP Field with 20 sacks of Krystals, 14 Chalupas, 10 volcano tacos, and 3 diet Cokes threatening to eat himself to death?? OR, is kicking Vince like your neighbor's dog soooo 2 weeks ago?
  8. KingTitan

    KingTitan aka CRONUS

    No one said that. We see useful where you see useless, that's all. :))
  9. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    against jacksonville

    1-10-TEN 17 (7:10) 25-L.White right guard to TEN 19 for 2 yards (92-R.Meier).
    1-10-TEN 19 (13:28) 25-L.White up the middle to TEN 19 for no gain (56-J.Durant, 98-J.Henderson).
    1-10-TEN 43 (5:46) 25-L.White up the middle to TEN 47 for 4 yards (95-P.Spicer, 98-J.Henderson).
    2-4-TEN 20 (9:46) 25-L.White left tackle to TEN 29 for 9 yards (21-D.Florence).
    1-10-TEN 29 (9:09) 25-L.White left tackle to TEN 35 for 6 yards (54-M.Peterson, 96-T.McDaniel).
    2-4-TEN 35 (8:33) (Shotgun) 25-L.White up the middle to TEN 36 for 1 yard (95-P.Spicer, 54-M.Peterson).
    1-10-TEN 27 (3:55) 25-L.White left end to TEN 28 for 1 yard (54-M.Peterson).
    1-10-TEN 35 (4:55) 25-L.White up the middle to TEN 35 for no gain (98-J.Henderson).
    2-4-JAC 20 (4:05) 25-L.White right tackle to JAC 22 for -2 yards (98-J.Henderson).
    1-10-JAC 39 (2:09) 25-L.White up the middle to JAC 41 for -2 yards (95-P.Spicer).
    3-2-JAC 31 (1:07) 25-L.White up the middle to JAC 29 for 2 yards (29-B.Williams). The Replay Assistant challenged the first down ruling, and the play was REVERSED. 25-L.White up the middle to JAC 30 for 1 yard (29-B.Williams).
    1-10-TEN 17 (7:10) 25-L.White right guard to TEN 19 for 2 yards (92-R.Meier).
  10. Chapparal97

    Chapparal97 Grumpy Old Fart

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