2022 Draft

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by Carp, May 6, 2021.

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  1. DoubleBlue

    DoubleBlue Highly Respected Poster

    I just really hope we draft a damn kicker this year, we need to have the option of attempting a 50 plus yarder. 5th or 6th round it has to happen
  2. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    I’m fine with an UDFA, just attempt to fix the K game.

    I’m not really sure how the entire sam ficken situation would have rolled out this year without the injury.
    #82 HurrayTitans!, Jan 29, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2022
  3. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    Cameron Dicker from Texas will be for the taking in the later rounds. He's going to be a really good kicker in the NFL.

    But of course we'll end up drafting a DT from South Carolina State who will be another Murchinson and amount to absolutely nothing.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  4. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    Everyone wants a great kicker. But this whole idea that it's easy to just draft one is so overplayed and just plain wrong. If it were easy to do, every team in the NFL would have a great kicker by now.

    What makes this Texas kid so great? He's 50% from >50 and his career long is 50? Would I rather have him or a chance at Cortland Finnegan hmmm

    The NFL draft conundrum of picking a kicker
  5. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    Cameron Dicker Stats, News, Bio | ESPN

    Career long 50? I won't go back and forth over a kicker. To me from what I've seen, he's the best kicker and we're in need of a kicker. Nothing wrong in spending a late round pick on this kicker.
    #85 Titanup1982, Jan 29, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2022
  6. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    Woops I was looking at 2021. The overall point remains though, drafting a kicker isn't a guarantee or every team would do it.

    I also have some concern that the titans are doing something wrong with our kickers. Look at the track record of kickers after they leave Tennessee, they all get substantially better.
  7. DoubleBlue

    DoubleBlue Highly Respected Poster

    We were spoiled by great kicking for a long time, but the kicking these last few years has been brutal. Of course its not a guarantee, but we got to at least bring one in the later rounds. Kid from Texas, or the kickers from LSU or Oklahoma have all had good college careers and have hit several from over 50
  8. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    Succop just returned to form from before his injury.
    Santoso didn’t do anything,
    Santos is pretty comparable to Fat Randy,
    Greg Joseph (perfect for Tennessee) did pretty well in Minnesota,
    Parkey did well enough to lose his job in Clev
    gostkowski hung up his kicking leg

    Am I missing any kickers?

    Not sure I can agree with your statement outside Succop.
  9. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    Succop 53/61
    Santos 56/62
    Badgley 18/22
    Joseph 33/38
    Parkey 19/22

    All better than what they did for us. All better than what Randers just did for us. You don't have to agree, ignorance is bliss.

    I missed Santoso he's 4/5
  10. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    Randy was 26/31, 83.9%, 42/45 xp 93.3%

    Santos, 30/32, then 26/30, 36/37 and 27/28 xp
    Badgley 18/22 85.7%, 39/39 xp
    Joseph (again, perfect in Tennessee) 33/38 86.8%, 36/40 xp
    Parkey 19/22 86.4%, 43/47 xp, then released. Then 3/5 xp.

    What criteria are we using to say these guys are much better than Fat Randy?
    By FG% this season
    Joseph -18
    Santos - 19
    Bullock -20 Tied (McManus)
    Badgley - 24

    Parkey - doesn’t qualify due to lack of team, but his 3/5 xp would put him among the worst.
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