Post-Game Thread Game 9 Final Score: Colts 34 - Titans 17

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Nov 12, 2020.

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  1. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    Post them. Let’s see it.

    He only had 4 targets on the night and caught one pass. The other throw was on the goal line that was in double coverage. Got the roughing the passer penalty. So yeah 2 drops.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. Jessica

    Jessica Starter

    I already corrected myself.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  3. SalmonSlayer

    SalmonSlayer Pro Bowler

    Tammy in elite category? Lol only Titans homers believe that. Elite are QBs all GMs around the league would give up 2 or more first round draft picks to get and Tammy is not, Mahomes is for certain.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  4. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor

    More ***** football like vs Pit and Cincy and our coaches make no adjustments
  5. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    That depends on definition of "elite." Mahomes seems like a once in every couple decades kinda player. If that is the definition of elite, not many people will fill those shoes.

    I'd say Tannehill is a solid QB. Rankings and qualifications of eliteness are pretty much useless, anyway. Not many young Mannings/Brees/Bradys in the league right now.

    We have been so starved for good QB play in the last 20 years... I'll appreciate any kind of good QB play.
  6. MrBean

    MrBean Master of Not Much

    My question.... what happened to Khalif? He was doing really good with his chances early in the season when called upon and now he sees the field maybe a play or two and that's only on special teams?
  7. wrench248

    wrench248 Pro Bowler

    He has straight line speed as a receiver and that is really it. With the oline the way it is, RT would not have enough time to get him the ball on a deep route
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  8. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    Mahomes is a generational talent
  9. Titan Bill

    Titan Bill Titan Branded 4 Life Tip Jar Donor

    Indy's defense is better than I thought. They put quite a few hard hits on the Titans and knocked us off of our game. There were a few late hits on Tanny, but those left an impression. This is what frustrates the hell out of me with our D. I cannot understand how the Titans can't get a few hard hits on the other teams qb? Even if it means giving up a big play or a penalty for a late hit, you got to make the other qb uneasy and the Titans simply do not do this ever. Whether its old man Rivers or the young Burrow, the opposing qb NEVER takes a hard hit.
  10. Young54

    Young54 Starter

    I never made excuses for Mariota and I was calling out Locker while everyone here was still in love with him. It's not about making excuses, it's about being subjective. Tannehill is not why we lost yesterday and he's not why we lost to Cinncy or the Steelers. He actually put us in a position to win against Pitt. His worst game was the Bears, which we won anyway.

    He has two dropped picks that I can think of, maybe there was a third. That's part of the game. Mahomes has had defenders drop picks too. That's why those guys play defense. The receivers and TEs are supposed to catch the ball. Tanny has thrown some DIMES in the face of pressure only to result in drops. You can only get knocked down so many times. There is something to be said about being and rhythm and having momentum. Outside of Mahomes, you'd be hard pressed to plug-in another QB there and expect a significantly different result. Even Wilson. Look at his struggles so far.

    Can he play better? Sure. But he's not reason why we lost. Blaming him is just the easy way out. AJ was a bigger culprit yesterday. Vrabel was #1.
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