Titans trade for Tannehill

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by titanfanatic, Mar 15, 2019.

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  1. 10ECTyrant

    10ECTyrant What! Tip Jar Donor

    As we have stated it hard to find true franchise QBs
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  2. abc2330

    abc2330 Pro Bowler

    Jared Stillman was kind of freaking out about how good Tannehill looked, especially relative to Mariota. T. Davenport makes it sounds like there isn't much of a contest, either. Like it or not, the arguments for Tannehill to start are only going to get louder if he continues to outperform Mariota in practice. There's no reason to be mad about that. He is our QB as much as Mariota is.
  3. VondyP

    VondyP Undisputed 2QBeaver Champion

    who the **** is jared stillman?

    do you not see how you are specifically looking for confirmation bias? lol

    these guys are PAID to make headlines. of course they are trying their hardest to push a competition. dont be such a sheep. vrabel has made it very clear mariota is the starter. get. over. it.
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  4. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    Stillman is a shock jock. He just says **** to get a reaction out of Floyd
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  5. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    Remember how great Mett looked in practice and in preseason? ... yeah, that worked out well.
    • LOL LOL x 4
  6. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler


    Sounds like he's pretty popular in Nashville lol

    Equivalent to the trolls on here...just looking for reaction
  7. 10ECTyrant

    10ECTyrant What! Tip Jar Donor

    Tannehill is the backup
    Marcus will either sink or swim
    Why is that hard to understand?
    • Cheers Cheers x 2
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  8. nytitaner

    nytitaner Starter

    1 practice ? Not much contest ? Lol
    • Troll Troll x 1
  9. 10ECTyrant

    10ECTyrant What! Tip Jar Donor

    hell, i'm sure Mary still has ailments that he is recovering from. Im glad Tannehill is looking sharp in practice, we will need him. I hope he is the best backup in the league.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  10. abc2330

    abc2330 Pro Bowler

    This isn't NYC. The Nashville media are the biggest Mariota fanboys around. Most of the reporters won't make a comparison. I don't put much stock into Stillman, as much as I know he'll run his mouth if things keep going this way

    But Davenport is a knowledgeable and experienced reporter. He's seen NFL QBs throw more passes in practice than you will ever see in games throughout your life. He came here from Philadelphia, where he saw Wentz and a SB MVP practice each day. If he says Tannehill looks good and Mariota doesn't, then I'll take his word.
    Again, Davenport has seen a lot of Marcus and many QBs in general. He knows who he is, and he can size up a QB pretty quickly based on how he looks in practice and how other reporters have claimed that he looks in practice. And per his analysis, THill is the superior player in practice . He's not throwing stuff out there, he put a lot of legwork into it before he would make a statement like that
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