Should Titans Make a Play For OBJ?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Dangermode, Jan 5, 2019.

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  1. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    OBJ only wants to play in a places like Houston, LA, New York, Atlanta and Miami.

    If players aren't happy in places like New York or Pittsburgh, there's no way in hell they will be happy playing for us right now.

    As a fan, do I want someone like OBJ or AB? Hell yeah. But are they worth the headache you'll get with them if things don't go right? Noooo.

    We have to get our QB situation settled before we start going after star WR's.
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  2. 10ECTyrant

    10ECTyrant What! Tip Jar Donor

    Nope way OBJ!
  3. titantrusince82

    titantrusince82 I'm down with the Titans for better or worse

    If OBJ became a Titan, he would go crazy after Week 8 when his mid season stats are 17 catches for 113 yards and 0 TDs.
    No Thanks! I'll take Golden Tate.
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  4. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    If you can get obj, you do, but there is zero chance of that happening so
  5. titanfanatic

    titanfanatic I Piss Excellence Staff

    No one debates OBJ's talent but he just comes with a ton of baggage which is the problem not to mention the money that comes with him. I rather use that money and upgrade the Oline and get another solid Wr for half the price to compliment CD.
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  6. 2ToneBlueBlood

    2ToneBlueBlood Pro Bowler

    I believe one of the main reasons we won as many games this year as we did was the great culture we have in the locker room. Our QB had 11 TDs all year. We were without our best offensive player. We delt with injuries the entire season and somehow still won 9 games. If you put OBJ or AB on this team we may win 5. You can't have divas pulling your team down because they don't get enough touches. With Mariota under center, there will definitely not be enough touches to go around. Those two players in particular are the exact opposite of Jon Robinson guys.
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  7. TitansWrath

    TitansWrath Pro Bowler

    Obj would never come here. If he did, between his massive contract and the 20 mil well be paying Mariota, we'd have a huge chunk of cap tied up in a poor pass offense.

    And hed destroy the locker room.
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  8. titanfanatic

    titanfanatic I Piss Excellence Staff

    Agree. During Rak’s presser when he retired one of the things he mentioned was the locker room. He talked about how the Titans are one of the few teams in the league where players hold each other accountable and nobody had to worry about drama or bs that you see with other teams. Matthews situation was a perfect example. Not one player said anything bad about how that went down even though everyone knew it was a real douche move by him. Look at that mess in Pitt, loads of talent on that roster but a bunch of “me “ guys and finger pointing. That stuff will eventually catch up to you and destroy a locker room.
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  9. 615nick

    615nick Starter

    I wanted obj early this year, but after our run late in the season I'd pass on him now. We just need to add pieces to what we've started building. If we get any "star" in fa or trade, it needs to be on d or oline. With one Mathews like addition to our wr i think we'll be fine.
  10. steverife

    steverife Pro Bowler

    I can't see him blocking all day long, then maybe going 4 for 52 on 7 targets then 3 for 30 on 4 targets the next week and not melting down.
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