What yall think about Terelle pryor?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TokinTitan, Feb 17, 2017.

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  1. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Someone should give Pryor a shot at QB. He has some untapped potential there.
    • LOL LOL x 3
  2. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    Linked to Pryor and Cooks, we are obviously after a big time WR.
  3. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    And don't forget we're taking M. Williams 5th overall.

    5 wide. Every play.
    • LOL LOL x 2
  4. Roscoes Wetsuit

    Roscoes Wetsuit Pro Bowler

    I wasn't on the Terrelle Pryor hype train.

    But at this point, if this is who the front office wants? Fine. Better than Tajae Sharpe.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. xhrr

    xhrr Starter

    Day three
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. VondyP

    VondyP Undisputed 2QBeaver Champion

    whoa. bite your tongue. we dont speak about godjae like that around these parts...
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. BamBamBoogie

    BamBamBoogie Starter

    I too like Pumphrey. He is uber dynamic and if it transfers to the pro level than what he brings would compliment the Titans very well.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  8. BamBamBoogie

    BamBamBoogie Starter

    Is it just me or does it seem like Pryor should be given more respect than he has been? He's not as obnoxious as he was in college, he's played pretty damn well for an awful team, and gave a decent amount of "shut-down" corners fits. But I digress, I wouldn't mind having a vet like Pryor and then drafting a wr with an early day two pick.
  9. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    I am just glad it is clear we are intent on addressing the position.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 2
  10. Roscoes Wetsuit

    Roscoes Wetsuit Pro Bowler

    I had see fluff piece after fluff piece and people talk about how he would finally be the answer for our search for a #1 WR the entire post draft off-season and training camp last year. I had to read people compare him to receivers like Antonio Brown or Pierre Garcon. Every time someone mentioned fantasy receivers, he was always mentioned as a steal, the Titans go to guy, and someone who would put up numbers.

    Just to see him get worked on weekly basis, never being able to get open or win 1 on 1 matchups (especially for "such a great route runner with amazing footwork"), getting bodied at the line of scrimmage constantly, never making contested catches, and seeing how slow he is compared to most players at his position.

    Kendall Wright almost put up the same amount of production as him, playing less games and the games he did play, playing half the amount of snaps Tajae did.

    So guess what? I'm gonna spend this entire off-season reminding everyone as often as I can that he is a 4th/5th option at best, and that should never see the field unless its because of injury or cause a real receiver needs a breather.
    • Winner Winner x 1
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