Alshon Jeffery... is now the time?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Dangermode, Oct 16, 2016.

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  1. Dangermode

    Dangermode A New Era has Begun

    Jeffery seems done with the hapless Bears. Had this to say after today's game:

    Alshon Jeffery: Bears need to score touchdowns -

    By every indication, he has no interest in resigning with Chicago this off season. The Bears are 1-5 and won't compete this year. They now have two weeks to get anything they can for him. Do you think the Titans should make a play? And if so, at what cost? Obviously they'd need to negotiate a long term deal first.

    A trio of Jeffrey, Mathews and Wright (with Delanie, Murray and Henry) seems like as formidable a set of weapons as any team in the league. Thoughts?
  2. VondyP

    VondyP Undisputed 2QBeaver Champion

    he's in a contract year, doubt he agrees to an extension via trade. I'd love the move though
  3. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    Yes. Throw buckets of money at Jeffery. Start tampering right now with his agent.

    Jeffery is legitimate WR1 talent who has been unlucky with injuries. Might be able to get him at a little bit of a 'discount' (probably not talking much of a discount) and he could be another Orakpo for us.

    I'd also love to look at Pyror. Think he could be a WR1 very soon. Don't think browns will let him go tbh they could even franchise him.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    Oh thought you meant as a FA. Under no circumstance do you trade any draft capital for Jeffery. Why would anyone give anything up for a soon to be FA...

    I mean sure, offer them Warmack and a 7th. But we're just being silly now.
    • LOL LOL x 1
  5. SuperMariota

    SuperMariota Starter

    Nice player and pick up and he is only 26-27. It's not like they can't use him.
  6. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    Yeah, I think Pryor is going to be the real deal at WR. I've always thought he had a place in the NFL, even if he couldn't play QB. He should be a top priority this offseason.

    As for Jeffery, we need to wait until he becomes a FA. No team is going to trade for anyone in a contract year. I'd love Alshon in Nashville, but we just need to wait until the offseason, instead of throwing our picks at someone who will still be a FA when the season is over with.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    The only reasons that make sense to trade for him now are the extra time this season to develop chemistry with the offense and we might just win this horrible division. Crazy and extremely unlikely as it can be, anything can happen in playoffs. Getting hot and a little luck can make magic happen. The Giants beating the pats but even 8-8 teams winning the wild card round. That would go a long way towards rebuilding culture.

    But I think they would ask for too much so it's better to wait. I also doubt we win the division, as crappy as it is.
  8. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    Thats a decent point but if we're not contending for a SB (we're not) I don't think its worth it.

    Bears won't let him leave for less then a 3rd (because they'll get that as a comp pick in FA) so nobody will trade for him.
  9. Dangermode

    Dangermode A New Era has Begun

    When we traded for Murray, we already had a new contract in place for him. The Eagles gave us permission to negotiate with his agent. The Bears could do the same and allow us to negotiate a long term deal before the trade. I would absolutely trade a 3rd for him in that scenario.
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  10. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Bingo. Jeffrey just has to handle being on the sinking Bears the rest of the year. He's got a big paycheck and multiple options coming this summer. Hopefully we can get some more wins and JROB can reel him in. Would likely mean Wright is gone..? Also would allow us to use those 2 1sts somewhere else.
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