RG3 to Browns

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by 520, Mar 24, 2016.

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  1. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    Nope. He was said "and Tunsil a rookie would help us?"

    As if drafting a tackle later in the draft wouldn't be playing a rookie on the line. That was the point. I was laughing at the fact he was point out Tunsil being a rookie and questioning if he would help us and suggesting that we draft a RT at #33.
  2. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    So a rookie tackle at #1 wouldn't help but a rookie tackle at #33 would. Got it!

    I have read the whole thing, thanks though.
  3. Young54

    Young54 Starter

    Not even sure what his point was.

    You can absolutely find a starting caliber/instant upgrade tackle in the second round. Michael Roos for example. Heck we took David Stewart in the 4th. Although he didn't start immediately, we all know what kind of career he had here.

    Maybe you agree with me, but your post seems to say otherwise.
  4. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    I agree you can find starting caliber players in all rounds if you look at draft history.

    He was implying that Tunsil might not help this team because he is a rookie so I was pointing out that a tackle at 33 would also be a rookie. If Tunsil doesn't help us because he is a rookie, then how would drafting s tackle later in the draft be any different? That was my point. Not saying anything other than that.
  5. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    My point was, maybe I didnt word it properly, Cleveland had the 2nd most sacks with a vet OL. So a rookie at 1 or 33 won't matter, I'd rather have Ramsey and a OT at 33 than Tunsil and a CB at 33.
  6. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    Yeah that makes much more sense than what I thought you meant. But it's all going to be about how JR views the draft depth.

    Some prefer your way and some prefer the other way.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  7. Young54

    Young54 Starter

    Likewise. I thought you meant something completely different.

    Whichever route we decide to go... this is a good problem to have.
  8. Dangermode

    Dangermode A New Era has Begun

    Riggs actually played really well last year. His PFF grades had him ranked 27th in the league overall. Ahead of Talib and Revis! Best on the Titans by a good bit. He was only in for 200 snaps but i think that sample size is big enough to see theres potential there.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. JBC

    JBC Starter

    Can't really compare Riggs to Talib, or Revis. Talib and Revis both played opposite the opposing team's best receiver, whereas Riggs did not. I agree that he did play better than BWW and Sensabaugh, but it's not like that was a daunting task.
  10. Young54

    Young54 Starter

    Right. Not a fair comparison and I have very little confidence in PFF ratings. However, it is interesting to see where he landed overall. He definitely passed the eye test for me. He played hungry.

    If I remember correctly he did match up against some 1s and 2s with BWW on the inside. Covering any NFL WR is a daunting task. Especially coming in as an undrafted rookie. Don't discredit it. He held his own. I'm not saying he'll be the next Revis, but I liked what I saw. That's all.
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