Amy Adams Strunk

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Rwill, Jan 6, 2016.

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  1. Subjugation

    Subjugation Starter


    My question, after thinking about this a lot, is, if she doesn't care, then why Mularky? I don't have an answer, but it's just, if she could care less about the team, why wouldn't she just pick the coach that would win over the fans the most?

    Also, it doesn't seem like money could be the answer, as that's where I sat initially but the truth is, if she doesn't care, and money is the issue, she probably gives Whisenhunt another year, as eating the money was part of that move
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  2. Bonky

    Bonky Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor


    The answer is in both of your questions, if you look at it. She fired Whiz after an embarrassing loss in her hometown.... In order to appease the fans.

    As a result of continuing to pay a coach who's no longer present, she hires a "coach" who's already familiar with the players and playbook for peanuts.

    Neither she nor any of the other absentee owners know anything about NFL football, and don't care as long as it continues to turn a profit.
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  3. davidc502

    davidc502 Starter

    Ever wonder why the NFL is getting involved in Titans ownership affairs? It's because the ownership group is running this franchise into the ground. It's obvious they are out of their depth, and the NFL knows it, and are trying to intervene.

    There may not be much the NFL can do, but I do like the pressure they are applying, and the thrust of Peyton Manning into the mix. If the ownership group refuses to sell, maybe they can somehow get Peyton in there.

    Sorry, the above may sound or read very stern, but since Bud Adams passed away, this franchise hasn't been the same.

    This franchise needs true leadership making sound decisions, and so far the "group" has fallen flat.

    Hoping things get better.
  4. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    I tend to agree. Titan fans only hope is that KAIV gives a crap and they let him loose.

    I have zero clue about family dynamic and if this is possible.

    I just dont see anyone else who cares at all


    Quarter Fing Back WHISPERER dang nabbit!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    Yeah Steve is has been under wood his entire life. Fing douchebag.
  6. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    I'm so glad we didn't wait an extra 2 weeks before hiring our HC. We might have missed out on our quality assistants like Underwood said.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  7. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    I believe they think we will forget what with the POs and SB

    Team President called 3rd time retread HC a QB Whisperer

    cant make that crap up
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  8. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    That reminds me of a joke I made up
    When they announced that Kim Jung-Il was dead I would say 'that is not surprising at all' Invariably someone would bite and say 'why?' and I replied 'he's been ill his whole life'

    I would laugh and that is always enough
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  9. Rudad

    Rudad Starter

    #119 Rudad, Feb 3, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2016
  10. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    They they should have interviewed every top HC candidate instead of the opposite and not given it back to the same guy who finished the season after interviewing WHO??? They should have gone out and found better assistant coaches instead of guys who haven't been in those positions in years!

    Yeah, we better let Mularkey be HC now because once McDaniels was available or if we had to wait for Mike Shula or McDermott, Robiskie wouldn't be available as OC which he hasn't been in forever and Grimm who wasn't even in the league recently were hot candidates? PU-LEASE!!!

    And Underwood being a puppet and going with Mularkey who he clearly knows little about ( many QB's has he developed besides Matt Ryan?) need only show the confusion of why the fan base would be mad that they interviewed less than 5 ppl for HC and 2 of them were already here last year on a team that is picking first in the draft!!! Promise an exhaustive search and then give us nothing!!!

    And ppl thought I was 'freaking out' for nothing!!! Seen it before, and until we get new ownership, we'll see it again.

    But what they won't see again is MY MONEY until this nonsense of a Front Office (beside Robinson whom I like) is changed. underwood needs to get out of the football decision business. you actually hired a good guy in Robinson, now let him control football operations and short of a huge turnaround next season, go get yet another HC and coaching staff!!! Let Robinson OWN it!!!
    #120 Gut, Feb 3, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
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