Offseason Priorities -- With Cap and FA Analysis

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by The Hammer, Nov 9, 2015.

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  1. EnglandTitan66

    EnglandTitan66 "The Plump Prince"

    Weddell is one name I'd like to see in Nashville. Good , playmaking , tough SoB. doesn't whiff on tackles ever. Jeffrey is another that might have a little tread left on the tires. A combo of him , Wright and DGB looks tasty on paper. Oh , and can you imagine Incognito and Lewan on one side of the line .... that is some nasty combo right there.
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  2. ScotTitan

    ScotTitan Starter

    Would be nice to add some experience to the offense. Solder RT and Jeffrey WR, both will cost a fair bit, but we have the money.

    Cut Griffin and we save a ton, I am usually a defender of Griffin but on Sunday we had the biggest whiff I've ever seen.

    1. Jalen Ramsey FS FSU
    2. Scooby Wright ILB Arizona
    3. Devonte Booker RB Utah
    4. Best WR availble
  3. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    1st round: Jalen Ramsey
    2nd round: RT
    3rd round: RB

    Sign a LG and/or C in free agent
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  4. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Scooby will probably return for his senior year thanks to his injury. He had Top-10 potential, now he'd likely be an early 2nd at best.
  5. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    The truth.
  6. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    I just don't understand how the Patriots can find interior starters on the o-line in Tre Jackson, Bryan Stork, and Marcus Canon late in two drafts and we haven't been able to find one without using a first round pick and spending a ridiculous amount of money.

  7. The Bukafax

    The Bukafax Starter

    WAT? Not even RB's die out that quick lmfao. Hes got another solid 6 seasons.

    Id take Prince Akumakumakumakara on the mid tier price.
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I think you pretty much nailed it, no other posts required after all that..

    But this is off season talk, which could be sooner than we'd like but still a more enjoyable discussion to put off while the season is underway..

    See ya in a few weeks..
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  9. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    Where do you think Eric Winston is playing? Andre a smith was playing RT so well, they brought Winston out of retirement to move Smith to guard
  10. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    There's a ton of players I'd LOVE this off-season:

    OT: Cordy Glenn, Andre Smith, or Russell Okung
    OG/C: Kelechi Osemele, Brandon Brooks, or Stefen Wisniewski
    DE: Muhammed Wilkerson
    CB: Josh Norman, Prince Amukamara, Casey Hayward, Mo Claiborne, Janoris Jenkins, Greg Toler, or Sean Smith

    Guys that are bolded would be #1 wants. Regardless if we cut or keep Griffin, we have money to sign an elite free agent.

    Wilkerson has been wanting money, I'm sure the Jets will give it to him.. but with already having Sheldon Richardson & Leonard Williams, they have the flexibility to let him go. Pairing him and Casey upfront would be deadly, I'm scared he'll want way too much though.

    Glenn or Osemele would add a pro-bowl talented offensive linemen to this joke of a line. Pair that with a day 1 or day 2 offensive line and the o-line should be fixed.

    McCourty & Cox are both on fair deals, all the other corners on our roster are expendable. Adding another legit vet would solidify our CB rotation.
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