If Mariota continues to struggle how long till Mett?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by IceBurg, Sep 26, 2015.

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  1. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    • LOL LOL x 3
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  2. Ten_Titans

    Ten_Titans Pro Bowler

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  3. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    You honestly think Mariota had a "bad game" vs Cleveland? Perhaps you should re-watch the game. He had literally zero time in the pocket all game long, yes he had a couple of bad throws... as does any QB. However, he battled in the 2nd half and even after being sacked a handful of times, was still stepping up in the pocket making throws. You complain about the fumbles? You try being sacked by 300 lbs guys and hold onto the football. It's going to happen. Mettenberger would of been sacked an additional 10 times if he was back there. I like Mett, but it's true.

    The few posters who seem to want Mariota to fail baffle me. Can't you just be happy? The guy is TWO games into his NFL career and you're already wanting him benched? What a joke.

    This whole thread needs to die.
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  4. IceBurg

    IceBurg Rookie

    I don't want him to fail, and I'm not even calling for him to be benched right now. I personally don't see the great upside that many of you do, but I'm willing to wait and see. I'm just saying if he continues to struggle like he did last weak it's going to be hard to see Mett sitting on the bench.

    It also baffles me that people trash Mett when most wanted us to trade out of that pick and build around him.
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 2
  5. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Iceburg might as well create a new account and start fresh
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  6. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    He struggled as much as you would expect a rookie to struggle. He didn't struggle enough to get benched his second game.... Lol holy fire. - pack it in! It's over. Yoda lost his shoe AND the game, put in Mett. Hit the restart button 2 games into his career. He's been figured out. Time to get Mett a body bag firmly planted directly behind his 5 step drop where he will then be plowed into the ground numerous times until he's dead. Cuz that's the o line we have.

    Good thinking guys! I needed this laugh.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. IceBurg

    IceBurg Rookie

    I'm not saying he should be benched now. We invested the number 2 overall pick in him, we need to see what he has. I'm asking after how many weeks of poor play will we go to our other young stud at QB, or are we living and (mostly likely) dying with Marcus this year?
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 2
    • LOL LOL x 1
  8. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor


    iceburg is not legit account
    • High Five High Five x 2
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  9. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    you simply haven't been paying attention if you think Mett is a better option than Mariota
    • High Five High Five x 2
  10. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    Well it can't be @520 on account the English is too good
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