If Mariota continues to struggle how long till Mett?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by IceBurg, Sep 26, 2015.

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  1. LiLTex12

    LiLTex12 Starter

    Do you not see that Mariota gives this team a small small chance to actually win a game? If Mett is quarterback we are back to playing primarily under center with no running back, and no play action to work because it would probably take just 1 to bring sankey down.

    Teams now have to at least game plan for Mariotas legs and that takes an extra defender who will most likely be spying in some sort of fashion out of coverage.
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  2. IceBurg

    IceBurg Rookie

    Just trying to bring some discussion, I can't be the only one who thinks the same way.

    We have multiple threads already declaring MM a future HOF'er when we have a guy with arguably more upside sitting behind him.
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  3. IceBurg

    IceBurg Rookie

    taking the ball out of his hands and into sankey and mcclusters hands almost won us the game. He made some timely passes when the defense started to sell out to stop the run.
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  4. Msut10

    Msut10 Starter

    Is this guy for real?
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  5. IceBurg

    IceBurg Rookie

    Even the greats never won one......until they did.
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Ok I'll bite

    Mett would have died that game, like literally

    Mariota is superior to Mett in every way except arm strength, there is zero chance the slow lumbering Mett outshines that Cleveland defense.

    Idk how after watching these 2 QBs play anyone can prefer Mett... He's just not that good.
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  7. Msut10

    Msut10 Starter

    Last I checked completing 64.2% of your passes, with a 6-0 TD:INT ratio was far from struggling.
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  8. IceBurg

    IceBurg Rookie

    I disagree. I think we still probably lose even with Mett but our offense starts being productive faster. I think Mett has the awareness to get the ball out faster and the accuracy to actually hit those slant routes even with pressure. Marcus gets flustered while Mett stands strong.
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  9. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    God ****ing dammit.

    Proof global warming is real here folks. IceBurg doesn't have much to work with.
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  10. IceBurg

    IceBurg Rookie

    Also does anyone really think that Mett wouldn't tear apart that embarrassing bucs defense like Mariota? They were asleep that game, any qb good enough to make the NFL would have destroyed them that day like they were back in high school.
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