Richard Sherman on Patriots

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Dee, Jan 26, 2015.

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  1. amy

    amy Starter

    A thug is one who uses physical punishment to make others do the thug's bidding and just because he/she can. Being arrogant and an a-hole is secondary. Well, in my world anyhow. Thugs come in all colors and varieties.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  2. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    The Patriots best WR is Julian Edelman. If your other CB can't stop Julian ****ing Edelman that's not Richard Sherman's fault. It the other guy's fault for sucking.

    Again. 1 pass out of 49 attempts from Brady. H's not shutdown though. Troll logic.
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
  3. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    Sherman was still a shutdown corner last night even while playing with torn ligaments in his elbow that will require Tommy John's surgery.

    He missed one tackle early on (the entire Seahawks defense looked like they forgot how to tackle and were playing like Titans). Sherman did his part the rest of the game. Simon is the guy to blame on defense. That guy is just awful.

    I knew the slot would be a weakness of the Seahawks, and when Lane went down it became a massive weakness.

    Most corners would've recognized Edelman running the same route on the go ahead TD... and they could've jumped the route and taken that pass to the house and end the game. Horrible coverage by Simon all night. He made one good play that I can recall.

    It's beyond me how some of you are unable to see these things. I just have to laugh at those who blame Wilson or Sherman for the loss. You don't know football if you think that.
  4. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    Seahawks should give Sherman and co. The money they wanna give wilson
  5. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Well they've already paid Sherman and Thomas, so...
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  6. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    He just doesn't get it. He never will. Lol

    They've locked up Sherman, Thomas, Chancellor, Wright, and others to shorter term deals (Bennett and Avril).

    Actually Avril may now be a FA if they didn't restructure his deal this year. I remember they got him for so cheap on a two year deal two years ago.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  7. Dee

    Dee Pro Bowler


    also reports were coming out before the game that they offered Lynch a nice contract that would make him retire a Seahawk.
  8. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    Ya they already realized lynch is more important. Wilson's like the 5th most important sea hawk....being very generous tho
    • Troll Troll x 2
  9. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Didn't Lynch get dressed and walk out of the stadium after the game?
  10. TitansWillWin2

    TitansWillWin2 Pro Bowler

    He's not a shutdown corner. Like I said all teams have to do is put their best WR on the opposite side and it pretty much takes sherman out of the game. A shutdown corner can play both sides.
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