Want to get rid of Webster?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Thaddeus43, Nov 5, 2014.

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  1. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    This was on nfl.com....why'd you have to give credit to those losers...

    Also eagles would be d.a.f. to give up on foles :homer:
  2. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    GM who traded up to get him? Hunter sucking is Hunter's fault. Wasting a 2nd round and 3rd round pick? That's on Webster.
  3. Two Kings

    Two Kings NJ Titan

    What... How was Webster suppose to know that future Hunter would suck?! Is he suppose to have a magic eight ball or something?
  4. Razorbacks

    Razorbacks #WooPIgSooie

    hmm.. outlook unclear
    • LOL LOL x 3
  5. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    He is responsible for staffing talent. Ultimately, the GM is responsible for the talent on the team. Plus he directed giving up a 3rd round to move up a few slots to get him. Webster is paid to get that right.
  6. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Can't make him drink? Yeah, he can leave the NFL and see how hard it is to make several millions doing work instead of playing a game.

    Hunter is NOT doing well. He has been probably the most called out player on the team and has great talent. He's just not executing yet to his potential. He was drafted as a VERY raw WR who had/has MONSTER physical skills. Those skills are not as easy to learn as people think. He was a gamble on greatness pick or a Boom/Bust prospect. Right now the jury is still out on whether he will develop into a mini-megatron or bust.

    It is Webster's job to utilize his draft 'currency' and to make deals. He spent a LOT of currency on Hunter and our ROI hasn't been good yet. Hence, Webster is taking heat.

    But there are lots of bad draft choices he had a hand in and personel moves from when he was VP of Personel to now. He also re-signed Griff to a RIDICULOUS contract based on what? Poor play? He also selected Locker in a huge reach that didn't work out for us. How about Ayers? How about Levitre?

    There is enough evidence to get rid of Webster but at this point I think he and Whiz are joined at the hip and I don't think Tommy will fire the GM without the HC and I see Whiz getting at least another year unless we are worse next year.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  7. Two Kings

    Two Kings NJ Titan

    Most of this is "evidence" is based on hindsight.
  8. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Most people's jobs are based on performance. If your job is to reload the roster and the players aren't very good, the heat will come down on you because it's YOUR responsibility!

    And of course you look at hindsight, current decisions and how well he made decisions at the time is important. But we won't really know how good or bad any rookie player is til 3 years in the league when we can look back and see how good or great they were/are and where they were drafted.
  9. Two Kings

    Two Kings NJ Titan

    That is what is so funny to me. Our measuring tool is unreasonable. We expect someone to be able to look into the future.

    "We" can't know if someone is good until 3 years into the league. But one man is suppose to be able to know who is going to be good 3 years from now? And he has to pick 7 out of 400 people?

    A better measuring stick evaluating him based on the potential of the player with the information he had at the time. There are far too many variables for us to judge a GM based on 3 years of future data.
  10. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    Webster took Zach Brown over Levonte David.

    Webster took Chance Warmack over Star Lotulelei.

    That's not hindsight. Those were players I wanted and players who were clearly superior to Webster's picks.

    Every GM makes bad picks and passes on players who end up being elite. But Webster seems to do this with every single pick. And that's unacceptable.

    Again, I'm not sure how much input he had in this year's draft. I am hoping this was Whiz's draft because it appears to be our best in ages.

    Webster has got to go.
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
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