Most anticipated games for 2014

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Alex1939, Feb 13, 2014.

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  1. NewHorizans

    NewHorizans Titans Ruckus (oYo)

    Lol! I thought this thread was about what 'Titans' 2014 games was I most anticipating!

    That list would be Steelers, Cowboys, and Giants at home with Ravens, Skins, and Eagles away.

    Videos games is a whole another story. Ever since the new systems came out, I haven't wanted to play my 360 cause I am weird and for some reason it bothers me to play the 'old' technology. Always been that way. It was hard to play NES with Super NES came out. Didn't want to play my PS1 when PS2 came out and so on.

    Just wish they weren't SO expensive!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    I'm really out of the water this year, I may be jumping back into the PC game so we will see how that goes.
  3. LosingBy3

    LosingBy3 Starter

    I'm looking forward to watch dogs, and the next COD by treyarch, because they're the only COD developer that actually tries, I refuse to play ghosts, after the disaster that was MW3, Infinity ward may be busted up because of the whole lawsuit thing, but dammit, they haven't made a decent, balanced COD since MW1.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  4. XO

    XO Nevada Native

    I want a PS4/XBONE WW2 Call of Duty.

    World at War was so much fun.
  5. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens


    CoD 4: Modern Warfare was my favorite. By far the best CoD online multiplayer. That was senior year of high school/freshman year of college. Then World at War came out and we all played Nazi Zombies. Good times... Zombies have not been nearly enjoyable since then.

    I have still enjoyed the campaigns on every CoD, but I haven't played any online for more than a a couple games since CoD 4.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. LosingBy3

    LosingBy3 Starter

    World at war was a blast, too, then MW2 came out, and..... buhhhhhhh.... One man army, noob tube, danger close. and quickscopers, GODS The quickscopers.

    The last two solid efforts were both by treyarch, black ops one had issues, but it got much better after so many migrated to MW3, and Black ops 2 was probably the best since COD4 IMO. If an issue ever came up, they wouldn't just say "Oh well, you're on your own, deal with it." like IW would, they'd actually try to balance it out so people could actually enjoy the damned game.

    BO2 even had a pretty solid campaign, if you ask me, even thought it was a little bit too much like the dark knight. But what do you expect when David Goyer writes the story for it?
  7. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

    I thought the first Black Ops was the best one
  8. LosingBy3

    LosingBy3 Starter

    It was good, but kind of unbalanced, but nothing terribly game breaking, the FAMAS/AUG/AKS74U, on top of ghost didn't help matters. but they at least tried.

    I enjoy blops 2 more, myself, making everyone I kill rage because I'm a shotgun whore just makes me smile.
  9. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

    I think I have a soft spot for the original Black Ops because I am a history geek and the early cold war era is one of my favorite times to study. There was one map I loved in particular. This jungle map with some old temple ruins. Reminded me of some of what I saw when vacationing in Cambodia and Vietnam. Very cool.
  10. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

    I have to be honest I gave up on CoD with Modern Warfare 3. Mostly due to the fact that I am not very good at these games and got sick of being crushed by these little kids. That and I found the perks in MW3 to be over the top. And as someone who is terrible at getting kill streaks I was badly handicapped.
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