Where is VY? (all things Vince Young goes here)

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by grindtime, Feb 10, 2011.

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  1. Hoffa

    Hoffa Freak you you freakin' freak

    When VY was a kid, he learned to throw like a sissy...
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    My high school had minimal bullying. Their were plenty of fights, but that was always some tough guy vs some other tough guy. But yea we had a weird kid table too, but we all respected them enough as people not to toss chicken salad all over them. :nono:

    I had the weirdest little buddy in 11th grade tho. He built computers and we both had a computer class together. Nobody wanted to partner with him because he had a rat tail in the front of his hair instead of the back. I figured when sh*t went wrong he'd be the reason for it, so I made him my partner for computer class. Weird little dude, but he was kinda cool in his own way.
  3. Razorbacks

    Razorbacks #WooPIgSooie


    Its called an anti-mullet, at least it used to be, and yes I had one. My hair was usually always jet black.. sometimes some other color. I didnt have a tail though, lol. Sounds like I would have been sitting at the weird kids table in both of your schools :D

    From my experience, the booty wassnt too bad. Plenty of white collar rich girls mad at daddy
    • High Five High Five x 1

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    You had that hair style too??? Really? Wow. Im really surprised to hear thats a thing kids did. I thought that weird little dude was one of a kind.

    Damn, now Im kind of disappointed.

    Well at least we coulda been friends. I was friends with all kinds of kids. One kid I knew did have a mullet and his nick name was Joe Dirt for all 4 years of HS. He was a mix of Joe Dirt and Jared Allen minus any type of football talent.

    And for some reason the big black girls couldn't get themselves enough of me, they loved me to death. I always thought the reason for it was because since Im originally from the south, and all their grandmas were from the south we had that connection. But evn now they still love me, and the new ones dont know Im from TN, so IDK what theyre thinking.
  5. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    that's what's funny. almost nobody is different. Kids just flock to one group over another. They want to be "different" so they go and act like another group.

    I guess the only real "different" kids were the ones who were violently insane.
  6. XO

    XO Nevada Native

    I went to an urban school that was in the suburbs but was still ghetto.

    There was a massive ghetto "Aw hell na" side to my school.

    I was in advanced classes and college level stuff so there were no "Aw hell na"'s in our wing.

    ESL had its own wing with the special kids who were were crazy or had to many chromosomes.

    Hard trades had its own wing where the rednecks chilled.

    When I graduated I kept looking around surprised by all these damn people I had never even seen before.

    There were like over 500 kids graduating with me but I'd only been around the same 50-100 kids my entire four years.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    segregation-alive and well.
    • High Five High Five x 2

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    My HS experience was about the same, except for I knew everyone. Yes I was popular, its true.

    Some of my classes weren't advanced, like wood shop and computer classes, those always offered a mixed bunch. Thats how I got cool with those Gothic kids and the nerdy kids.

    And gym is how you get in with the athletes. Lunch was where you figured out where you fit in though.
  9. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    high school kind of sucked. I don't see how people reminisce on it, on how special it was. It was like a prison where you got to go home every night. My life would have to start getting pretty sucky for me to want to go back to that.
    I'm 10 years out this year.. and yep.. I still think it sucked.
    And I wasn't even a loser who got picked on or anything.. it just was not magical or fun.

    I guess people like looking back on a time where they thought anything was possible, and real success is attainable and even expected. They don't realize that's not true until they get into their late 20s/30s.
    • High Five High Five x 1

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I dont miss HS at all, but it wasn't bad either.

    The only real reason I went to school was to play football. I dreaded waking up and going to school, but once I was in the door I was cool with it.
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