FIRE MUNCHAK (ongoing)

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Astrophysics, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. dtm586

    dtm586 The Master Jedi

    David Shaw would be a dream candidate for sure but why would he wanna leave his cozy college job for CJ2.0YPC and Gimp Locker / Noodle Arm Fitz Yuck.

    I would love to see Shaw here or even Lovie Smith seems more realistic.

    But im tired of leaving my hopes up.

    I can see them making a boring in house move like promoting Greg Williams or some BS
  2. SlidePiece

    SlidePiece Starter

    Where did I ever say that the HC makes all of the decisions?

    You cannot simply keep saying, "let's get new players" year after year after year. That's not how it works. Nobody is giving the players a pass, but we spent a lot of money and used our resources on them. They are under contract for a while, you kind of have to make it work. You can't "fire" players, they have contracts and guaranteed money. He and Ruston chose the players, now go coach them. He said we didn't have the players last year, and this offseason he said we fixed our personnel problem. I trust him....for the most part, it's not a personnel problem.

    You are the one that said our players suck. Not me, I don't believe our players suck, I was pointing out how absurd your argument was. So I decided to play along with your premise, and ponder the notion that even if what you are saying is true, Munch is still ultimately responsible. He is the HC, the team lives and dies by his hand. But this is just my opinion, I guess we all have a different opinion on what is or isn't the responsibility of our HC.

    He does attempt to make changes, yes. But I believe if he was a better HC, there wouldn't be a need for change. If he had a plan and a system for both sides of the ball and didn't change the "system" year to year, I might have a different opinion of him, but I don't think he knows what he wants; one year he wants to air it out, the next he wants to run 42 times a game; and he would this year, but we get nowhere when we attempt to run. If he finally does get a plan in order, I don't think he knows how to implement it.....mainly because he hasn't done such a thing in three years. Furthermore, this team needs a different culture, we can't perpetually come out flat against the worst teams in the league every year when our playoff hopes are on the line. In a way, I see him as being responsible for a majority of the problems he's trying to fix. I know you couldn't disagree more, but that's how I see the situation.
  3. SlidePiece

    SlidePiece Starter

    Yes, when you lose a game, typically one will find that the players didn't play well. Coaches get fired for losing games.......the HC is ultimately responsible for the players not playing well.....if it's indeed become a trend. This is definitely a trend.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Fire Munchak and everybody else can stay
  5. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor


    Matthews sucks ass
    Gray sucks ass
    Loggains sucks major assdicks

    Pretty much every coach on this team sucks balls
    • High Five High Five x 3
  6. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    Seems like were doing word games on this.

    It looks like we agree more than disagree. They work together.

    So you keep bad players around until they get better?

    I konw thats not what you are saying. however I can keep saying "get new players" year after year. For example, the people that I would want gone at the end of this season? Wimbley, CJ (or a much friendlier contract and reduced role. Stewart (if a possible replacement was there), I could go into mroe detail but you know about team turnover. Keep the good, get rid of the bad. You dont keep under performing players around no matter who the coach is.

    last week, Williams/Grey got a pass and they shouldnt have. Today, the players are definitely getting a pass. Look at the forums, its all about coaching right now. CJ, the 10 million dollar man, is always getting harassed. The time where he DOES screw up, and does need to be called out for playing horribly, nothing.

    I know some are under contract. The people I am talking about getting rid of, are people mentioned above. Then use that money to improve the team again this off season. Always try to improve the team.

    Our players sucked today. I have mentioned this before, before this game, that our fans like to blame Munch for everything he does wrong, but can get no credit. The first few games of the season, no one was praising Munch for our defense.. he was still a doof who got lucky because Williams got hired.

    If we are going to play ultimately responsible game, we can just work our way up that chain to Bud Adams, considering he is ultimately responsible. (well..... up until this season)

    We do see differently here. You say he didnt know what he wants. I say he realized what he wanted, saw what we had, and decided to change it because maybe he (and the GM, and everyone involved who matter) realized that the plan of a run and shoot was not going to work, and that they needed to go a different direction.

    Line was a huge problem last year, we tried to fix it. RB was a huge problem, tried to fix it too. Safety was a big problem, tried to fix it. DE, DT, LB. We tried to fix a LOT of problems last year. We were bound to miss on some of them. No team can fix all those problems in one year. However I see he saw them (or the organization saw them) and tried to address and fix every one of them. Something I have not seen out of this team in quite some time.

    I was very happy with the moves made this off season. What I am seeing on the field, I do not like, ESPECIALLY this offensive line after all we invested into it. I thought we would miss more on defense and that our offense would have to carry our defense to be honest at the beginning of the season. Its been the complete opposite. They tried to fix the line, and they paid and drafted. Today we got a safety, beause the one drafted could not handle his man and got embarrassed, to where he had to hold. I see that as a player not being what he should be, and that where we shift our blame (i on the player, you on the coach) seems to be where we will continue to disagree.

    However I will say, as many coaches have shown, a franchise QB can make a bad coach, a good coach. BB being the most recent and obvious example.
  7. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    Clean house from top to bottom, the entire coaching staff and EVERY Fisher era player. Thats the only way to really start over.
    • High Five High Five x 3
  8. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler

    It all started with keeping reynaud too long on the team. The mentality to keep players like this shows he has no clue on how to maximize talent on the roster
    • High Five High Five x 2

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    that's actually not that difficult, there is only 16 players left from the Fisher years
  10. Bucky0782

    Bucky0782 Starter

    The VAST difference between Coughlin at 2-6 this year and Munch's entire head coaching career is that Coughlin has proven he win the Super Bowl, get to the Super Bowl, make the playoffs on a consistent basis. A 2-6 record for Cough is a blip, an aberation; losing to a winless team is Munch's version of consistent. Apples and horses, as at least oranges are a fruit...

    Why is CJ not able to hang onto the ball? Is he not getting enough reps in practice? Why is Fitz handing off to the wrong team? Is maybe the offensive line not performing like they should be? Why is Locker throwing to BFE? Is it b/c either he or his WR haven't been coached to properly read the keys the defensive is showing before the snap? Did the WR perhaps run the wrong route b/c he wasn't coached properly?

    I just don't understand giving the coaches a pass when the players perform poorly, as it is the coaches specific job to ensure the players don't perform poorly. And they're paid quite a bit of money to do just that.
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