The AFC Playoff Wildcard Race

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Smash, Oct 27, 2013.

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  1. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    Too many good teams are gunning for a wild card, you have to assume KC or DEN takes one and then you have MIA, Baltimore or Cincy, the Bolts and Jets, and then either us or Indy. We hold tie breakers on a few teams, but I am not sure what their schedule looks like from here on out. Some of those teams are pretty good, and I don't want to leave it to chance considering we can easily be a better team than Indy.
    • High Five High Five x 3
  2. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

    Control your own destiny instead of getting on your knee's and scoreboard watch. Win the division. It is doable with how badly Houston is tanking this year the division is up for grabs.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler

    it's years like this I wish we were in the NFC , we would for sure make it there. AFC is tough this year and taking it to the nfc teams
  4. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    I wish we were in the NFC East. The rest of the NFC is still very tough IMO.

    Panthers are finally looking legit, but they've looked legit in waves the past few seasons and it always falls apart.

    The top teams in NFC are still better than the top teams in the AFC.
  5. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler


    I agree with that for the most part : most of my top 5 teams are in NFC
    2. Seattle
    3. New Orleans
    4. San Fransisco
    5. Kansas City

    I really don't want KC up in the top 5 but until they lose I will put them as my # 5 team. I really do think tho if we played in the NFC there would be a much higher chance for us to make the playoffs. My reason behind this is because Denver gets a wildcard spot if not the division and KC already has a great record, best right now. Makes it more difficult for the 2nd wild card
  6. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    We should be able to win these next two games.No reason whatsoever for a letdown with either St. Louis or Jacksonville.If we are serious about making the postseason we can't lose either of those games.The perfect scenario for us division wise would be for us to be 5-4 and for Indy to at least lose their game at Houston which would leave them 6-3 when we face them on Thursday Night here in a few weeks.If all that plays out in our favor and we beat Indy at home we'd be sitting in first place in the AFC South come mid November.
  7. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    Like someone else said Denver,K.C. and San Diego all play each other twice.N.Y. Jets,Miami and New England all play each other twice.Baltimore isn't that good and still must play New England,Detroit,Chicago,NY Jets and Cincinnati twice.Things look doable if we take care of our end and win most of our games especially considering the hard part of the schedule is over.
  8. acqua7

    acqua7 Pro Bowler

    No doubt. However, how many times have we been here saying "all we need to do is win"

    awlays seems to be our problem, that's why 2 seasons ago was especially frustrating watching the Jets lose and us get knocked out of the playoffs.

    However, things are most definatley different this year (team attitude and the team in general). We just need to develop that killer instinct, which I don't think we have just yet.
  9. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    There isn't really a truly dominant team in the AFC like there is the NFC this season.In the NFC Seattle,San Francisco,New Orleans and Green Bay are all really good.In the AFC i'm not sold on K.C. at all especially Alex Smith and the offense.In Denver they really don't have that good a defense and Peyton has to score forty a game just to get a victory.New England has weaknesses on both sides of the ball because of injuries.Cincinnati looks good but are inconsistent at times.Indianapolis won't be as good on offense due to losing Reggie Wayne.In my opinion the AFC is wide open once the postseason begins.I'd say Denver has the best chance but we all know how Peyton chokes come January.
  10. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    I hated watching the Jets lose a game they should've easily won that last day of the season in 2011.They had no business losing but Sanchez choked of course.
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