Hunter graces

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by titan_fan_4ever, Jun 19, 2013.

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  1. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Understand that there are 20 balls a game to spread around. Britt, Washington and d-will should all be very motivated to play their best ball. Britt and d-will are in contract years and Washington basically is also. CJ will get 2-3 a game and our TEs will get 4-5.

    That leave about 12-13 completions between all our Wrs. If hunter can get 1.5 catches a game for a 15 yard average i would be satisfied.

    Hunter should not play just because he is the high 2nd rd pick. He needs to earn his playing time. I'm sure they will move him around and look for matchup opportunities and there will be injuries that wil open up his playing time.
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  2. Danimal

    Danimal Starter

    Before we award starting positions let's wait to see how it all plays out in training camp. Sure Hunter has the potential, and I hope he shoots up the depth chart, but he has to earn it first.
  3. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    This is a good point. Drew Breese as an example has about 40 attempts a game. So at a 60% completion rate that is only 24 completed passes per game. And I doubt Locker will be throwing 40 passes a game. In Locker's games last season he averaged less than 30 passes a game so that is only 17 or so completions. The team is obviously going to try and run the ball more and as long as they are having success we might see games where Locker throws only slightly over 20 passes a game. So 20-30 catches next year for Hunter might be about what we should expect unless he takes off in the pre-season and earns a starting spot. The thing is if Hunter has les than 30 catches this season people will automatically be saying he is a bust.

    Damian Williams as an example only had 30 catches last season (only 2 starts). So people automatically assume he sucks. But we added Wright, Britt came back from injury and when you start to figure in Cook and Washington's catches how many balls are their to go around. Williams had 45 catches the year before but Britt got injured and of course we didn't have Wright on the team. So bottom line is unless Hunter really impresses enough to earn significant playing time expect D. Williams like numbers this year with maybe a little higher average per catch.
  4. SlidePiece

    SlidePiece Starter


    We don't have to assume that Damian Willams sucks....he does. The guy is extremly soft, has been called out by his OC for jogging around on the field, and cannot catch the football. He's been on the roster, and all the while the team has been adding recievers left and right. And thankfully, he's been moving down the depth chart. We could cut him during training camp, and the team would not be affected in the least.

    The Front Office and coaching staff do not want him on the field, that should answer the question.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    D-Will is not bad dude, he just never gets to play cause of whos ahead of him. He's the least vested WR we have.
  6. SlidePiece

    SlidePiece Starter


    He never gets to play because they keep adding players to be in front of him, that's all we need to know. He's not good enough to see the field. I've seen him play, and as you know, I don't think he's very good. They don't want him on the field for a reason....there is a method to their decisions during the offseason.

    He had his chance in 2011, after they saw him play as a starter, they commenced burying him at the bottom of the depth chart, why?

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I like D-Will, good dude, and better than most as a WR. I really dont see why you'd hate the guy. Not his fault Kenny Britt got healthy, cause the only time we've got to see Williams play is in Britt's absence.

    I hear you on "if he was any good we wouldn't have added 2 WR's this offseason", but we also cut Hawkins who was recently paid big bucks.

    I wont try too hard to defend the guy, not much to say, but I will say; dude isn't just some scrub, I trust him on the field.

    LANGSTER Pro Bowler

    Hunter was drafted because the titans will never resign Kenny britt. I think the front office is done with him.
  9. SlidePiece

    SlidePiece Starter


    It is his fault that he didn't stick as a starter, we were desperate for WR's and they chose to go elsewhere. So I don't think he is better than most. I respect your opinion, but I don't trust him on the field, I don't even think of the guy as average, and wouldn't be totally shocked to see him fail to make the final roster. Assuming Walter is healthy, the numbers are there, and I'd rather see them give someone else a shot. It could be Preston, we'll see.
  10. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    I agree that if DWill showed more maybe they don't use draft picks on Wright and Hunter. No question about it. But I also think the mentality with Webster and the new coaching staff is they put a higher priority on the WR position and don't want just decent guys but studs.

    Also, while some need was there to get a WR in the last two drafts (Washington, DWill and Britt might all be gone next year) I think they took WRs when they did because they were the BPA and good value. I don't think they were neccesarily hell bent on taking a WR in the first two rounds unless the value was there.

    Now I agree, with the stable full of talent and Walter also in the mix it is poissible DWill might not make the roster if he doesn't have a good pre-season. And that is how it should be.
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