VY and Fisher Will Not Be Together Next Season

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by stump1000, Dec 23, 2010.

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  1. The_Jerr83

    The_Jerr83 Camp Fodder

    My bad LOL I didn't mean to put "it sucks" on your post. I didn't recall putting that on your post only one person in another, but I guess my mouse slipped. :D hahaha
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  2. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    Oh there is no question that we are bad without Vince. I'm not even arguing that Vince is not the best QB on the team. I am arguing that he is not great, and is no kind of savior.
  3. The_Jerr83

    The_Jerr83 Camp Fodder

    I think he could be if we had a coach that coach's to the players strengths. I.E. Bill Belichick. Instead we have a coach who limits everyone's playing styles to his style of coaching, and sometimes that doesn't work.
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  4. amy

    amy Starter

    It's pretty obvious that the problem centers around the relationship between Fisher and VY. Fisher is tired of trying to get Vince to be a hard working, thinking QB and VY is tired of Fisher trying to tell him how to be a quality QB. They both need to go and we need some innovative, young, enthusiastic coach and coaching staff. I think we have enough good talent that a good coach could come in here and make the team a contender. I don't have enough faith in Vince to think he would do any different with another coach. He's just doesn't seem to be motivated enough to become a student of the game.
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  5. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    Fisher, fans, and players praised Vince this off-season for his work ethic. To call VY a non-thinking QB is a little short sighted. He had the highest passer rating at one point (but stats don't matter when they work in his favor) and he only threw 2 picks in the thick of his season this year.

    I don't feel its VY's play at all that's a problem. If you want to criticize his maturity...that's another story but we've all seen how mature Fisher is after everything's come to light.

    Merry Christmas to all.
  6. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Why do people act like VY has played in a tonne of playoff games? He's played in 1, in his second season.

    He hasn't really been a good QB until this year.
  7. The_Jerr83

    The_Jerr83 Camp Fodder

    Actually he was a pretty good QB for last year when he got put in. 8-2??? I think that year and half of sitting on the bench while Collins driving that tractor did some good for him.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    Bud is not getting rid of Vince.

    Since Vince was drafted, we are 30-17 when he starts. We are 15-16 (12 of those wins from the '08 season alone) when he doesn't start.

    Buh bye, Fish.
  9. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    they are both comming back IMO
  10. oldoilerfan

    oldoilerfan Camp Fodder

    Fisher needs the change. Needed it since 2006. VY will have the Titans in the playoffs next year.
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